
wufei123 发布于 2023-11-04 阅读(786)


哈罗海口选址于江东片区,由涵盖幼儿园、小学、初中及高中阶段的哈罗外籍人员子女学校和哈罗礼德学校组成跟随本文,听哈罗学子讲述他们心中的哈罗寄宿Swipe left to read English version。



Matthew Henman哈罗海口寄宿总监“我认为哈罗海口寄宿的亮点是,首先,寄宿团队拥有来自高年级英语组的三名老师,因此我们能够针对学生不同的英语水平采用不同的方法“一些同学会被分配到额外的英语语言支持项目,也是由我们的寄宿员工提供的项目课程。




David Sheehan学生关怀和寄宿副校长深圳前海哈罗港人子弟学校(拟筹)“和其他AISL哈罗分校一样,我们延续450年哈罗寄宿传统在丰富的寄宿生活中,学生们每天都有成长与新发现,个人素质与技能将得到全方位提升:学术能力、品格言行、责任感与社区意识……像他们的学长学姐一样,成长为卓越的哈罗人。

”向左滑动,查看中文版本Why do many parents chooseboarding AISL Harrow Schools?That’s because they can benefit from the school’s resources and its holistic education.

The professional boarding team offerspeace of mind to parents,who are also impressedby their children’s rapid growth observed.

AISL Harrow’s boarding system derives fromthe authentic boarding tradition ofHarrow School in the UK,

allowing students to fullyaccess global resources.Many AISL Harrow campuses, includingHarrow Hong Kong Children School

Shenzhen Qianhai (in preparation),offer the same world-classBritish boarding experience.

Matthew Henman哈罗海口寄宿总监"I think the strength of the Boarding House. First of all is that were lucky to have three members of staff who are also day-school English teachers, So were able to differentiate our approach to different learners.

"Some learners are assigned into extra English lessons in the evenings project lessons delivered by our boarding staff. We have extra library sessions where more independent students can come and read for themselves.

"I think the biggest thing that weve noticed is not just our students knowledge of the English language, but also their confidence to use it. and thats a result of them being immersed in English every day and speaking to our English-speaking staff in the Boarding House. I think its just allowing students the opportunities to explore new things.

"We have a lot of extra facilities within the school and we have access to all of those during the evenings in Boarding time. And we have a huge amount of activities both academic and sporting and arts and crafts where students can really either do something they really enjoy and theyre good at but also and as importantly they can explore new things and new challenges that they havent tried before."

David SheehanDeputy School Head,Pastoral Care and Boarding,Harrow Hong Kong Children SchoolShenzhen Qianhai (In preparation)

"Like other AISL Harrow Schools, we uphold the 450-year boarding tradition of Harrow School. In their exciting boarding life, students grow and discover new things every day. The schools focus on character development, service to the community, academic excellence, and a sense of pride and belonging will create generations of successful and well-rounded individuals."


来听听看哈罗学子如何评价吧:Brian ZG8,哈罗南宁每天晚上7点半开始,我们都会有游泳、篮球、羽毛球、排球球等活动让我们选择在宿舍的晚上,我们可选择参与不同的活动,例如体育运动、学术活动或者艺术我最喜欢运动,特别是游泳。

在哈罗的寄宿生活中,我找到了自己真正的兴趣Audrey GY11,哈罗海口

超有爱宿舍氛围,社交能力up校园里,跨年级的学生之间相谈甚欢,学长学姐不吝关爱低年级的孩子, 而寄宿更是加强了他们彼此的联系学生们会更懂得如何与人沟通,友善相处,为未来升学的人际交往奠定基础Vincent。



向左滑动,查看中文版本Find the details of schoolsat the end of this post.Sign up for a school visit and experience

the Harrovian atmosphere in person!AISL invited students fromvarious AISL Harrow Schoolsto share special moments

in their boarding life. Check it out!Thriving in Tons of ActivitieTennis, horse riding, band sessions, drama practice… there are more than 100 co-curricular and House activities that International Harrovians can choose from, to expand their horizons beyond the classroom. Here’s what students have to say about their experience:

Brian Z, G8Harrow NanningFrom 7:30 pm every evening, we can join various activities, like swimming, basketball, badminton, volleyball, and so on.

In the evening at our Boarding House, we have a range of activities to choose from, like in sports, academics, or arts. My favourite is sports, especially swimming. In my time boarding at Harrow, I have discovered my real interests.

Audrey G, Y11Harrow Haikou

Making Boarding Buddiesin a Supportive EnvironmentOn campus, students across grades get along well while the seniors always take care of their juniors. These bonds are strengthened through boarding experience. Children learn to communicate and develop lasting friendships, honing interpersonal skills that will benefit them for a lifetime.

VincentHarrow Hong KongalumnusIn my 13th Grade, I was the mentor for the lower-grade students. Each week, I would visit their House to meet and tutor them, just like an older brother.

(Being a boarder), we learn to communicate with our peers and develop social ties. Interpersonal relationships outside the classroom are extremely important for our own confidence and emotional well-being, and even for society as a whole.

JadenHarrow Hong Kongalumnus

Swipe left to read English version是舍监,也是学术“神助攻”不难发现,哈罗的寄宿团队也由科任老师们构成他们时刻关注寄宿生的身心健康,更会为每个学生提供个性化辅导与学术支持,助力孩子们获取卓越的学术成绩,给所有哈罗寄宿生带来满满的“安全感”。




培养孩子的归属感与自信让他们收获珍贵的同窗之谊还在学术上有更深的造诣不断挖掘自身潜能与特长见证过哈罗寄宿生们的成长与变化家长们也更加信任哈罗寄宿生活向左滑动,查看中文版本Super Guardians:

Housemaster/Housemistress& Academic TutorSubject teachers are also on the Harrow boarding teams. They keep a close eye on both the physical and mental well-being of boarding students, while providing personalised counselling and tutoring to help them excel academically. This brings a great sense of comfort to all the boarders.

Yuki, G8Harrow NanningI like living at my Boarding House, because I can learn and chat with my friends. Most importantly, I can speak and practise English more. If I have any question, I can always ask the teachers at my House and learn from them right away.

With the boarding life at Harrow, we had dedicated teachers to help us after school…...My house tutor, Ms Morris and other teachers spent a lot of time with me discussing application tips for Oxford. With their help in my preparation, I successfully passed the interview and became a student at Oxford.

VincentHarrow Hong Kongalumnus

Holistic Education: The Recipefor Exemplary CharacterAs part of holistic education, boarding students experience fun, care and support, which in turn nurture their characters. They acquire manners, develop independence, and work closely with fellow boarders in House activities with a sense of collective honour…

Under the mature andpersonalised boarding educationStudents not only developa sense of belonging and confidence,

gain valuable friendships andhigh academic achievement,but they also constantly exploretheir potential and specialities



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