
wufei123 发布于 2023-11-04 阅读(781)





部分修改笔记,希望你别犯这些问题准备了自我介绍,别的英语Q&A环节,怎么翻译并审校自己的回答,我也写好了机翻+审校教学:(长点心,别有道机翻了直接上好么)英语渣,怎么应对英语复试126 赞同 · 13 评论



经验介绍前,建议你不要照抄高赞,很多表达不太合适复杂的从句,对于英语不太好的人,实践中难免磕磕巴巴;另外,重复的 I have 和 Im,也不大符合英语表达习惯还有,不要把 actually 这种废词当口头禅。

复试中,你在自我介绍的时候要流利顺畅,且谈吐自信在有限的时间内,除了要清楚说明“who am I”,还要充分展示自己的亮点,即“why me”(为什么选择我)首先,你要清楚,口语和书面语不同,英文的书面语,可以从句套从句,呈枝干句式结构;有大段大段的句子、高级的修饰和很多名词,但是,复试场合,自我介绍是为了传递信息,必须。

简单、清晰和明了引用口译课上老师的话:1. 一开口,你就要想象自己是一把快刀,迅速,清晰且平稳地表达观点;同时放稳音调,让声音自信;2. 能用小词,就用小词;过多的大词和难词,会浪费时间,且不省力比如:XX很重要,XX is significant/important 即可;不必为了炫技,非要用XX is of great significance/importance


不亏嘛~另外, @进击的大虎 友情提醒,不点赞收藏,可能不小心,就找不到啦~~关于文章中提到的word版本,也可以在:“一杯猫饭”里找到,可以直接关注并查看历史文章:别取关,公号里还会分享更多学习经验和资源~~~

怎么组合完整版自我介绍拆解前,我先上一篇:可以直接套用, 后有模板,手把手教你写~Good morning, teachers and professors. It is my great honor to be here and introduce myself.

My name is XXX, Im 24 years old and from Chengdu City. I have graduated from Sichuan University, with major in Finance. My GPA is XX, ranking the top 10 in my class. During the four years of study, I have won the National Scholarship, as well as various awards for my excellent performance in school work and extra-curricular activities.

(项目介绍)When I was a junior student, I participated in a social research project titled the Attachment of New-generation Workers in Foreign-funded Enterprise". In that project, we conducted a survey at XXX in Wuxi City and analyzed the links between workers and the enterprise. I had designed, handed out and collected the questionnaire, and finished a report of over 10 thousand words. At last, that project stood out from around 30 ones and won the first prize at my university.

(专业想法)Moreover, Im interested in the postgraduate program I have applied, so that I have read many books and papers to enrich my basic knowledge. The XX major of XX University is well-established, where I will acquire more professional knowledge and specific skills and put them into practice.

I have passed CET-6 at high scores. With excellent skills in translation, Im a member of a specialized subtitle translation group. Besides, I also excel in Microsoft Office, Photoshop and new media operation. I attribute my versatility to my diligence and strong learning capacity. Once I’ve set a goal, I will spare no effort to realize it whatever the difficulties are.

XX University attracts me with the intense academic atmosphere and prestigious reputation, and applying for XX postgraduate program is the best decision I ever made for my education. If I get the chance to be admitted/enrolled, I will redoublemy efforts in the study and research, thus laying a solid foundation for future profession. Thank you.

第二篇,是一个理科生小伙伴,套了框架后的成品(经本人允许后发布):第二段项目经历:When I was a junior student, I participated in a research project titled the National University Student Social Practice and Science Contest on Energy Saving & Emission Reduction. In that project, our team designed an automatic battery replacement device for new vehicles, and I conducted the mechanical structure design in that team. At last, that project stood out from around 30 ones and won the fifth prize at my university. Besides, I also participated in the “Maths China Cup” National Online Mathematical Challenge in Modeling in 2019 and won the Excellence Award. 

Those awards can demonstrate my good abilities in mechanical structure design and mathematical modeling

. (奖项略杂,就总结以下)第三段其他优势介绍:I have passed the College English Test level 4, and I do well in translation. I once helped a Shanghai-based filtration equipment company to translate its filter specification, and that project lasted seven months. Moreover, I also excel in Solidworks, Auto CAD and MATLAB-Simulink. I attribute my versatility to my diligence and strong learning capacity. Once I have set a goal, I will spare no effort to realize it whatever the difficulties are.







可以看到外教视频,资历和证书,并在线预约例如,我找了一位外教,和他说:Im preparing for the postgraduate entrance interview, could you please help me improve my introduction?

我照着读了(提前背下来效果更好)上一段自我介绍,这是他给我的建议:Youre talking a bit too fast, and if you talk slowly, you can make sure you can pronounce every word perfectly and be better understood.


进击的大虎的视频 · 8917 播放这个app的优点是,外教教学经验丰富,课程系统灵活(随时预约,随时切断视频,都可以)可以按照自己的准备进度,选一个适合自己的套餐(价格相比其他外教大几千,特别友好了大概和老外吃顿火锅的钱,就能把自我介绍和Q&A环节捋顺了

)新用户好像有5min体验,可以通过我的invite code(tiger666) 再+15min,20min,自我介绍完全可以练几轮,听够意见~然后,根据自己的情况,决定是否再练Q&A环节这次CATTI考试后,我也还会继续用这个app捡一下口语,有机会再写攻略~。


刚开始,自报家门,说明:姓名,籍贯,毕业院校,主修专业,GPA和各奖项如果GPA不高,可以不提;如果奖项不突出,可以简要说:我获得了各种奖项:I have received various/several awards.。

学校和专业名称,可参考学校官网,一般都有标准的英文译本奖项名称参考:国家/校级/院级奖学金:National/University/School Scholarship三好学生:Merit Student。

先进个人:Advanced IndividualXX 项目一/二/三等奖:First/Second/Third Price for + 项目名段落二:

逻辑:参加了XX项目 → 在项目中扮演XX角色(具体做了XX工作) → 项目成果(是否获奖,或者论文是否发表) → 自己 get 到了什么技能例如,我在校期间参加了假期社会实践:I was a member of the social research titled "the Attachment of New-generation Workers in Foreign-funded Enterprise". (项目名称和自己的角色) In that project, we conducted a survey at XXX in Wuxi City and analyzed the links between workers and the enterprise. (项目是做什么的) I had designed, handed out and collected the questionnaire, and finished a report of over 10 thousand words. (自己做了什么) At last, that project stood out from around 30 ones and won the first prize at my university. (项目成就)

如果是奖项,可以查找官方译名或者通用名,如:挑战杯全国大学生创业计划大赛:The Challenge Cup National College Student Business Plan Competition

挑战杯全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛:The Challenge Cup National College Student Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition

大学生创业大赛:College Student Entrepreneur Competition欧莱雅全球商业策划竞赛:L Oreal e-Strat Challenge全国大学生数学建模竞赛:China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling


最后,如果项目也没有奖项,就说自己获得了组员和老师的表扬,也是可以的:In that project, I received praises from my teachers and team members for my contribution in data analysis/report writing...


对本专业的理解,可具体搜索知网,细读几篇文章,然后简单说说自己的看法思路:表达兴趣 → 未来志向另外,很多研究生导师,都很看重英语能力所以一定特别说明:I have passed CET-4/CET-6 at high scores, and I do well in reading and translation.。

四六级,在自我介绍中,建议用全称:College English Test level 4 or level 6另外,更牛的专四专八是:Test for English Majors level 4 or level 8

对于其他技能,可用句式:擅长:good at/excel in/do well in/be adept at有经验/技巧 be experienced in/skilled in专业精通 be specialised in/proficient in (慎用,作为本科生,你很难做到精通)

对于性格和优点:勤奋 hard-working/diligent负责任 responsible有上进心 self-motivated学习能力强 strong learning capacity积极主动 proactive

有团队精神 a good team player结果导向 result-oriented一般,列举优点,并简单论证:Im a diligent student. In the past four years, I would spare no effort to realize the set purpose whatever the difficulties were.

I have a strong learning capacity. Besides my major subjects, I have learned Japanese independently and once took a part-time job in a subtitle translation group.


最后部分,当然是恭维学校和表达向往,这部分,可以直接套我写好的模板~~(*^▽^*)~~申请XX学校,是我最正确的决定,它因为XXX深深吸引着我Applying for XX University is the best decision I ever made for my education。

, and it attracts me with the academic atmosphere 学术氛围/ prestigious reputation 名声斐然/well-known teachers and dynamic students 名师和活跃的校友

如果有幸录取,我将加倍努力,为未来职业奠定基础If I get the chance to be admitted/enrolled, I will redouble our efforts in the study and research, thus laying a solid foundation for future profession.。

真心感谢这次机会Thanks to the opportunities I was given to apply XX University.(可用于项目)除了要感谢贵校提供的项目机会外,我还想感谢...。

Besides being grateful to XX University for offering such an opportunity, Im even more indebted to my teachers who eagerly gave me their time, effort and knowledge and who put so much faith in me.

我之所以选择贵校,是因为这所举世闻名的学府为我进一步学习深造提供了平台I chose XX because the presence of a world-class university enables me to pursue studies in XX (major).。

如果有幸录取...我将..., 这也会为我的学术生涯奠定坚实基础If I am lucky enough to be admitted by XX even though I dont have a particularly high score, I will……., which will truly lay a solid foundation in my academic CV.。

如果能够在贵校深造,我将树立更高的目标,继续努力My experience in XX will make me more driven as an individual, and encourage me to set more ambitious goals.。

最后再敲重点:在有限的时间内,扬长避短,最大程度地展示自己的卖点和价值2. 写完自我介绍,一定要背下来!背下来!背下来!!找几个小伙伴,模拟面试场景,卡着点,多背几遍3. 不管是不是压力面试,都要自信,注意自己的音量,神情和肢体语言



