grouping words什么意思(阿拉伯国家美食之旅:贵月的夜晚,人们吃这些开斋)

wufei123 发布于 2023-11-07 阅读(781)


在阿联酋,这里的穆斯林通过购买各种传统食品和饮料来为斋月做准备,例如“Harees”,其中包括混合了肉、澄清黄油和肉桂粉的捣碎的小麦In UAE, Muslims here prepare for Ramadan by buying various traditional food and drinks such as Harees, which consists of mashed wheat mixed with meat, clarified butter and ground cinnamon.。

斋月菜单上的其他基本食品是“Thareed”(上图),它由小块面包和浇在上面的肉汁组成,以及“Machboos(抓饭)”,这是一种辛辣的肉类加米饭Other essential items on the menu in Ramadan are Thareed, which consists of tiny pieces of bread with gravy poured over it, and Machboos, which is a spicy meat and rice dish.。

还有Muhallabiyyah(下图),由米饭和牛奶组成,上面放着藏红花和豆蔻,Madhroobah 和 Luqaymaat(甜饺子),类似于 Luqmatul-Qaadhi,以及Awwaamah是受欢迎的糖果。

Muhallabiyyah, which consists of rice and milk topped with saffron and cardamom, Madhroobah and Luqaymaat (sweet dumplings), which is similar to Luqmatul-Qaadhi, and ‘Awwaamah are popular sweets.

在祈祷之后,男人们聚在一起吃一顿名为"al-ghibqah"的饭菜,而女人们也在祷告之后聚在一起进行休闲聚会在此期间,有人供应像Mehammar(由炸鱼和加糖煮熟的米饭组成)、以及Hareesah 和 Madhroobah 等菜肴。

After the taraweeh prayer, men meet together for a meal called al-ghibqah and the women also meet after taraweeh for a casual gathering. During al-ghibqah, dishes like Mehammar, which consists of fried fish and rice cooked with sugar, Hareesah and Madhroobah are served.。


日落后的几分钟,开罗的街道将活跃起来小贩们出售各种东西,从 basboosah(下图,一种由粗面粉、酸奶和椰子制成的传统甜点)到 faanoos(灯笼),再到绳子上的茉莉花五颜六色的纸质横幅将悬挂在建筑物之间,标志着最好的月份又来了。

The streets of Cairo will come alive a few minutes after the sunset adhan, with vendors selling everything from basboosah (a traditional dessert made of semolina flour, yogurt, and coconut) to faanoos (lantern) to jasmine on a string. Colorful paper banners will hang between buildings signaling that the greatest month has come again.

李子干、杏子干和椰枣将在大芒果城的厨房里十分流行儿童和成人都会喜欢传统的 qamar-eddeen,这是一种由杏酱制成的浓杏饮料食品商店的货架上将再次摆放“揉成面团”的 kunafah 和糖浆浸湿的 qatayif 糖果。

Dried plums, apricots, and dates will circulate the kitchens of the Big Mango city. Children and adults alike will delight in the traditional qamar-eddeen, a thick apricot drink made from sheets of apricot paste. The shelves of food stores will once again be home to the “hair-doughed” kunafah and syrup-drenched qatayif sweets.



Being the largest country in Africa with a rich culture and hundreds of tribes, Sudan is a continent in microcosm. Customs and traditions are as diverse and extreme as the country’s climate which ranges from barren deserts in the north to lush rain forests in the south. The people are united in using Arabic as a common language but their cuisine is a blend of the many backgrounds and ethnic groups as well as the foreigners who influenced the country’s history.

在苏丹北部省份,人们更喜欢 gurrasa(小麦粉厚煎饼)搭配(秋葵炖羊肉)用餐时可能有几道菜,但通常不使用叉子和刀,但提供勺子饭菜通常是从一个普通的碗里吃的,尤其是在 kisra(烙饼)、粥和 gurrasa(糊糊)的情况下。

In the northern provinces of Sudan, people prefer gurrasa (thick pancake of wheat flour) taken with mulah bamya (okra lamb stew).There may be several dishes at the meal but usually no forks and knives are used although spoons are provided. Meals are usually eaten from a common bowl, especially in the case of kisra, porridge and gurrasa.

一种常见的斋月软饮料是 abreh,可能是红色或白色这是一种略带甜味的提神饮料,由高粱粉薄片制成其他饮料包括柠檬水和番石榴汁、葡萄柚汁、橙汁和芒果汁由于天气炎热,abreh 全年供应A common Ramadan soft drink is abreh which may be either red or white. This is a slightly sweetened, refreshing drink made of thin flakes of sorghum flour. Other drinks include lemonade and fruit juice with guava, grapefruit, orange and mango. Because of the hot weather, abreh is served throughout the year.。

对苏丹人而言,没有茶或咖啡,开斋饭是不完整的通常,使用散茶并浸泡至深红色;然后加入肉桂苏丹人有一种独特的制作咖啡的方式,这让这个国家名声大噪这种咖啡在当地被称为 jabana,咖啡的制备方法是先在一个特殊的锅里用木炭煎咖啡豆,然后用丁香和某些香料研磨它们。

咖啡在热水中煮沸,然后装在一个叫做 aljabana 的小陶壶中的小杯子里喝咖啡的过程就是从这个词中得名的The iftar meal would not be complete without tea or coffee. Usually, loose tea is used and infused until it is deep red in color; cinnamon is then added. The Sudanese have a distinct way of preparing coffee, which gave the country some of its fame. Known locally as jabana, coffee is prepared by first frying the beans in a special pot over charcoal and then grinding them with cloves and certain spices. The coffee is boiled in hot water and served in tiny cups from a small clay kettle known as aljabana. It is from this word that the process of drinking coffee took its name.




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