揭秘幼儿英语学习中的自然拼读法Phonics Learning in the Early Years在常州威雅幼儿园实践的早期教育体系中,自然拼读一直都是不可或缺的一环Phonics learning is integral to the EYFS curriculum taught here in WASCZ.自然拼读主要是用来帮助初学者理解字母拼写是如何与发音音节一一对应的。
The primary focus of phonics instruction is to help beginner readers to see how letters are linked to sounds or phonemes so that letter-sound correspondence is formed.自然拼读指的是学习英语语言中的44个基本音。
一旦能自如运用这些,那么阅读和写作对学生们来说就会显得容易多了所以,在自然拼读的教学安排中,字母读音的教学会比字母名称的导入更早一些Phonics learning refers to the learning of the 44 sounds in the English language. Once these sounds are learnt and the children feel confident to use them, reading and writing becomes easy for them.The sounds of letters are only taught. It is much later that the letter names are introduced.在常州威雅幼儿园,我们致力于通过自然拼读课程向孩子们介绍这套自带音标系统的表音文字。
每节自然拼读课上,老师都会为学生们介绍一个新的音节孩子们学习如何发音,并通过具体意向来加深记忆和理解孩子们还会以这个音节开头来探索更多的名词,练习单词的组成,也练习书写Here in the kindergarten, we are dedicated to teaching from the Letters and Sounds document.This phonics programme introduces a new sound each session, the children learn how to say the sound and learn an action to go with the sound which acts as a visual cue. The children explore and investigate which nouns start with the sound they are learning, they also practise forming and writing the letter, that represents the sound.音节的教学并非是按照字母排序来的,而是按照我们安排的特定顺序。
这样做是为了让孩子们在后续的第二和第三节课上可以将所学音节自由运用、灵活组合,练习发音这意味着孩子们在习得之后可以立即将其应用于英文的阅读和书写The sounds are taught in a specific order (not alphabetically)so that children can learn to orally blend the sounds in the second and third learning sessions. This means that the children are reading and writing words in English almost immediately.比方说我们教的前三个音节是s a t,这意味着经过三节课后,孩子们就可以阅读和书写相关单词了,如at和sat。
每学一课,孩子们都会掌握更多可组合的音节,可以读写出更多、更复杂的单词The first three sounds learnt are s a t this means that after three lessons the children can read and write the words, as, at and sat. Each session adds more sounds, and more words can be read and written.教完前26个单字母音节后,孩子们就可以试着地将三个、三个的音节混合在一起组成CVC单词了(辅音,元音,辅音)。
押韵词通常是指尾音相似的词老师会鼓励孩子们将押韵词进行任意组合和拆解,并大声朗读,例如用“pat, mat, hat, cat, sat”这些单词造一个句子Once the first 26 single letter sounds have been taught. Children will be asked to blend three sounds together to read CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant). There are five vowels in English (a, e, i, o, u) and the consonants are all the other letters. Children will be expected to segment or stretch a CVC word to discover which sounds are in it. Children will then feel confident to identify the sounds with their correct letters and can have a go at writing them. It is at this stage that children will be shown how to rhyme CVC, often by saying the phrase,“they rhyme they sound the same at the end”. They will be encouraged to orally blend and segment these rhymes pat, mat, hat, cat, sat, making a rhyming string.孩子们下一步就可以应用这些音节词语试着写一些短语、短句了,例如I am hot。
在这个阶段,老师们会向孩子们教授大写字母和句号的使用方法The next step will be to ask children to write short phrases that contain the sounds they know e.g. I am hot. The use of capital letters and full stops will be introduced and taught at this stage.自然拼读课堂任务A Phonics lesson一节自然拼读课需要涵盖四个任务:A Phonics lesson should contain four sections:复习回顾学过的所有音节Review of all sounds taught so far.学习新的音节 Introduction of the new sound to learn.练习使用新音节,并识别以该音节开头的单词Practice with the new sound and identify words that start with that sound.在阅读和写作练习中运用新音节Apply the new sound learnt either in reading or writing exercises.孩子们学会了英文字母表中的前26个单音节后,将开始学习二合音(两个字母共同代表一个音节)。
我们学习的第一批二合音组合是sh,ch,th,ng,ai,eeAfter the children have learnt the first 26 initial sounds in the English alphabet they will begin to learn digraphs (two letters that represent one sound). The first digraphs learnt are sh, ch, th, ng, ai, ee.二合音学完后,孩子们将学习合音(三个字母共同代表一个音节),例如igh,ear,ure等。
Later the children will be introduced to trigraphs (three letters that represent one sound), such as igh, ear, ure and so on.自然拼读对幼儿在阅读方面能力的短期提升非常行之有效。
This programme has been found to be extremely effective in teaching young children to read. It is delivered in a fast and pacy way and has been proven to help children read at an early age.老师除了教授字母发音外,还会介绍捣蛋词。
捣蛋词指不完全遵循自然拼读的发音规律进行拼读的单词,又称“红色单词”,例如I, to, go, no, the, into这些单词的发音必须纯靠记忆在阅读过程中遇到它们的话,需要停止运用自然拼读的思维方式。
Alongside the teaching of letter sounds, tricky words are taught.Tricky words, sometimes referred to as keywords are those words that can not be phonically decoded (read by using sound knowledge). These words, such as, I, to, go, no, the, into - have to be learnt from memory. These are often referred to as ‘the red words’ as you stop using your phonics to read them.我们鼓励家长们每天坚持与孩子一起阅读。
家校合作,帮助孩子为未来学习奠定坚实的基础It is good practice to read with children dailyand this will lay a firm foundation for a successful life in education.。