
wufei123 发布于 2023-11-16 阅读(531)


今天这一讲我们来关注词汇的问题在英语学习过程中,每个人都有背单词的经历(大多数时候是枯燥,少部分人会有一定的乐趣吧),而这种背单词,可能很多同学都是rote learning,缺乏必要的语言学知识而死记硬背。


看了上图我们会发现,形态变化包括两大部分:主要的和次要的什么意思呢?就是说,主要的单词变化包括屈折法inflection和构词法word formation(合成法compound、派生法derivation)。

而次要的单次变化就包括了新创词法、混成法、截短法、缩略法、拟构词法、类推构词法、词性转化法、借词法(coinage, blending, abbreviation/clipping, acronym, back-formation, analogical creation, class shift, and borrowing

)当我们掌握了这些单词的形态变化之后,我们背单词也会更有迹可循Ok now, here we go!Major morphological processes:●InflectionInflection is the manifestation of grammatical relationships through the addition of inflectional affixes, such as number, person, finiteness, aspect and case, which do not change the grammatical class of the stems to which they are attached.。

仙姑解析:屈折法呢,就是通过添加屈折词缀(比如单复数的-s,人称的-s,时态的-ed等)来展示语法关系这种方式不会改变单词的词性总之,对屈折法的理解就是“语法”二字啦●Word formationWord formation refers to the process of word variation signaling lexical relationships. It can be further divided into the compositional type (compound) and derivational type (derivation).

仙姑解析:上一条我们说的是以“语法”二字为关键要领的屈折法接下来这一类单词构成,关注的是lexical“词义”可以进一步细分为合成词和派生词a. Compound: It refers to those words which have more than one lexical morpheme, or the way to join two separate words to produce a single form, such as 。

ice-cream, sunrise, paper bag, railway, rest-room, simple-minded, wedding-ring, etc.Compound can be divided into the endocentric and the exocentric compound.

Endocentric compound refers to a compound which has a center or a head word, e.g. self-control, pain-killer, eye-entertaining

. Exocentric compound is one which has no center or a head word, e.g. playboy, run away, scarecrow.仙姑解析:合成词大家应该都熟悉的,也就是两个词合在一起变成一个单词。

我们可能不太熟悉的是合成词可以分为向心合成词和离心合成词,关键的地方就在于这个合成词里面有没有中心词(center or a head word)有中心词的合成词就是向心合成词,比如pain-killer,中心词就是killer。

没有中心词的合成词就是离心合成词,比如run away,两个词的地位是等同的b. DerivationDerivation refers to the process to add an affix to an already existing form to create a word, which includes prefixation, suffixation and even both.



介绍完了主要的形态变化过程,接下来让我们聚焦到次要的形态变化,其实这部分很有意思哒~Minor morphological processes:●Invention: It is also called 

coinage, which refers to the new lexical items come directly from the consumer items, their producers or their brand names, such as

Coke, nylon, iPhone, computer, TV and others to cope with the invention of new entities.仙姑解析:新创词和社会的发展、品牌的诞生紧密相连,在

iphone问世之前,是没有iphone这个词哒~●Blending: Blending is a relatively complex form of compounding, in which two words are blended by combining parts of two lexemes which themselves are not morphemes. For example, 

Britain+exit=Brexit, smoke+fog=smog, communication+satellite=comsat, breakfast+lunch=brunch, motor+hotel=motel, situation+comedy=sitcom.

仙姑解析:混成法是合成法的一种复杂方式,之前我们说到混成法的时候,说的是两个词合在一起而混成法是指词的一部分合在一起,没有前部分或者后部分的规定●Abbreviation / clipping: It involves the shortening of an existing longer word, e.g. 。

photograph - photo, gasoline - gas, demonstration-demo, laboratory-lab, professor-prof, information-info, mathematics-math, refrigerator-fridge

, etc.仙姑解析:截短法就是说把长单词变短,在非正式场合中会用的比较多,方便沟通交流比如我们在教育类方领域经常会说demo课,也就是示范课的意思●Acronym: Acronym is made up from the first letters of the words of a phrase or a name, which has a heavily modified headword. The process is also widely used in shortening extremely long words of word group in science, technology and special fields. For example,。

 National Atlantic Treaty Organization-NATO, World Trade Organization-WTO, Test of English as a Foreign Language-TOEFL, International English Language Testing System-IELTS

.Although acronyms are often used to refer to any abbreviation formed via the combination of initial letters, some dictionaries make a distinction between acronyms and

initialisms, with the former only referring to items like NATO and TOEFL pronounced as individual words, and the latter referring to items like WTO th

at are abbreviations consisting of individual letters pronounced separately.仙姑解析:缩略法是把一个词组的首字母连在一起的字母组合,经常用于科学技术领域的词组缩写。

需要注意的是,有些词典还会分得更细,分为缩略法acronym和首字母缩略initialism两种,区别就是前者可以拼读成单个的词,但后者只能分别读出字母发音●Back-formation: Back-formation refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imaged affix from a longer form already in the language, e.g. 。

burglar-burgle, editor-edit, surveillance-surveil, peddler-peddle.仙姑解析:逆构词法是一种比较“任性”的构词法明明是一个长单词先存在的,人们偏偏要删掉他们自以为是词缀的那部分,然后变成一个更短的词。

●Analogical creation: The principle of analogical creation can account for the co-existence of two forms, regular and irregular, in the combination of some English verbs. For example, people are rather similar that the past tense suffix for English verb should be –ed, and they tend to apply it to all verbs. As a result, we have both the old forms and the new forms for many English verbs. E.g. work: wrought

→worked.仙姑解析:类推构词主要主现在一些英语单词的规则变化和不规则变化中,比如一些英语动词的过去式同时有两种构成,wrought和worked●Class shift: it is a word formation process which shifts word class and then change the meaning of a word from a concrete entity or notion to a process or attribution. It is also known as zero-derivation ot conversion. For example, the word 。

hog as a noun refers to “a pig”, but it means “to take and keep (all of something) for oneself” when used as a verb.

仙姑解析:词性转换是指转换一个具体实体的单词为一种过程或者属性,比如名词---动词我们可以看到很多单词都是有名词和动词的意思,它们也是经历过class shift的啦!●Borrowing: It is also called loan, which means the words have been borrowed from the other languages. There are several types of processes with regard to borrowing.。


a. Loanwords: It is a process in which both form and meaning are borrowed with only a slight change, in some cases, to the phonological system of the new language that they enter, e.g. 

tea from Chinese.b. Loanblend: It is a process in which part of the form is native and the rest has been borrowed, but the meaning is fully borrowed, e.g. the first part of 

coconut came from Spanish, but the second part is of the English origin.c. Loanshift: It is a process in which the meaning is borrowed, but the form is native, e.g. 

bridge is an English word, but at first it refers to a type of card game, the meaning was borrowed from the Italian

ponte.d. Loan translation: It is a special type of borrowing, in which each morpheme or word is translated in the equivalent morpheme or word in another language. E.g. the English word 

almighty is a literal translation from the Latin omnipotens.





