word是什么意思啊英语(“无语”的英文是“No words”?)

wufei123 发布于 2023-11-24 阅读(360)

“无语”是一个常用的情绪词汇,说到它的英文,不少人会脱口而出“No words”,但其实不是哦~

“No words” 真正要表达的意思是 “尽在不言中”例句:No words can fully express my gratitude.千言万语也难以表达我的感激之情“无语”如何用英语表达?speechless

释义:unable to speak because you are so angry, shocked, surprised, etc.(因气愤、震惊、惊讶等)说不出话的,无语的,哑口无言的例句:The news left us speechless.

那个消息让我们哑口无言She was speechless with indignation.她气得说不出话来bite sth back释义:to stop yourself from saying something or from expressing an emotion。

忍住(话);抑制(情感)例句:He wanted to tell her his real ideas, but he bit the words back.他想对她说出自己真实的想法,可他还是没说出来。

A scream rose to her lips again. She had to bite it back.她想尖叫,又不得不忍了回去have nothing to say for yourself。

释义:to not be willing to take part in conversations or express your opinions不愿交谈,不愿表态例句:She doesnt have much to say for herself.

她自己无话可说keep sth to yourself释义:to keep something secret对(某事)保守秘密,不把…讲出来例句:I dont want everyone to know, so if you could keep it to yourself Id appreciate it.。

我不想人人都知道,如果你能保密,我将不胜感激be lost for words释义:to be so shocked, surprised, full of admiration, etc. that you cannot speak。

(因感到震惊、惊讶、震撼等)说不出话来例句:Mary was lost for words when she was awarded the prize.玛丽被授予该奖项的时候激动得说不出话来关于word的表述。

word一词除了表示“字,单词”的意思,也有“谈话;信息等”的含义,关于word的表述也是非常多,一起来学习一下~breathe/say a word释义:to tell other people about something

告诉别人,讲出去例句:Dont say a word about the accident to my mother.关于这场事故,一点都别告诉我妈妈If you breathe a word of this to anyone, Ill be really upset.。

如果你把这件事透露任何一点给别人,我都会非常生气from the word go释义:from the start of something从一开始例句:The bridge-building project had problems with funding right from the word go.。

这个造桥工程从一开始资金就有问题in sbs words释义:used when you repeat what someone said(某人)说,引(某人)自己的话例句:His wife, Mary, was 25 years his junior and, in his words, "my guiding light".。

他的妻子玛丽比他年轻25岁,用他的话说,是“指引我的光”in words of one syllable释义:in simple language avoiding long, difficult, or specialized words。

用简单的话,用容易理解的话例句:Could you explain to me in words of one syllable how an electron microscope works?你能用简单的话给我解释一下电子显微镜的工作原理吗?

by word of mouth释义:in speech but not in writing口头上的例句:All the orders were given by word of mouth so that no written evidence could be discovered later.

所有命令都是口头传达的,所以事后找不到任何书面证据give your word释义:to promise许诺;保证例句:He gave his word that he would marry her and she had no cause to doubt him.。

他保证会与她结婚,她没有理由怀疑他a man/woman of his/her word释义:someone who keeps their promises信守诺言的人例句:You can trust him - hes a man of his word.。

你可以相信他——他是个信守诺言的人put in a good word for sb释义:to say positive things about someone为(某人)美言,说(某人)的好话例句:I really need a job and I was hoping you might put in a good word for me with your boss.

我真的需要一份工作,所以希望你能在你老板面前为我美言几句put words in/into sbs mouth释义:to suggest that someone meant one thing when really they meant another。

曲解(某人)的话,故意歪曲(某人)的话例句:Stop putting words in my mouth-I didnt say you looked fat in the red dress-I merely said you looked very slim in the black!

别曲解我的话——我并不是说你穿红色显胖——我只是说你穿黑色显得非常苗条!take the words out of sbs mouth释义:to say something that another person was just about to say or was thinking

说出(某人)要说(或正在思考)的话例句:"What a rude and obnoxious man!" "You took the words right out of my mouth!"“那个男人真是又粗鲁又讨厌!”“那正是我想说的!”

word gets around释义:When word gets around, news spreads fast within a group of people.(消息)迅速传开例句:She doesnt want word getting around the office that shes pregnant.

她不想让办公室里的人知道自己怀孕的事not get a word in edgeways释义:to not be able to say anything because someone else is talking all the time。

插不进话,插不了嘴例句:Rosa was talking so much that nobody else could get a word in edgeways!罗兹话太多了,别人连一句话也插不进去。

words fail me释义:said to emphasize your surprise or shock, especially at something you have just seen or been told

(尤指因刚见到或刚被告知的事)惊得说不出话来,不知说什么好例句:"So what did you think of Olives pink outfit?" "Words fail me. Ive never seen anything quite like it!"

“那么你觉得奥利芙的那套粉色衣服怎么样?”“我都不知道说什么好,我从没见过那样的东西!”本文综编自网络,参考来源:Cambridge Dictionary编辑:Sophia审核:奥力终审:碧英


