grouping words什么意思(资源 || Word ladder——暑期词汇学习利器)

wufei123 发布于 2023-12-14 阅读(374)

Welcome to Word Ladders!In this book youll find more than 150 mini word-study lessons that are also kid-pleasing games! To complete each Word Ladder takes just ten minutes but actively involves each learner in analyzing the structure and meaning of words. To play, students begin with one word and then make a series of other words by changing or rearranging the letters in the word before. With regular use, Word Ladders can go a long way toward developing your students decoding and vocabulary skills.

How do Word Ladders work? Lets say our first Word Ladder begins with the word walk. The directions will tell students to change one letter in walk to make a word that means “to speak.” The word students will make, of course, is talk. The directions for the next word will then ask students to make a change in talk to form another word—perhaps tale, or tall. Students will form new words as they work up the ladder until they reach the top rung. The final word is in some way related to the first word—for example, run. If students get stuck on a rung along the way, they can come back to it, because the words before and after will give them the clues they need to go on.

How do Word Ladders benefit students? Word Ladders are great for building students decoding, phonics, spelling, and vocabulary skills. When students add, take away, or rearrange letters to make a new word from one they have just made, they must examine sound-symbol relationships closely. This is just the kind of analysis that all children need to do in order to learn how to decode and spell accurately. And when the puzzle adds a bit of meaning in the form of a definition (for example, “make a word that means to say something”), it helps extend students understanding of words and concepts. All of these skills are key to students success in learning to read and write. So even though Word Ladders will feel like a game, your students will be practicing essential literacy skills at the same time!

How do I teach a Word Ladder lesson? Word Ladders are incredibly easy and quick to implement. Here are four simple steps: 

Choose a Word Ladder to try. (The first five feature easier ladders, so you may want to start with those.)

Make a copy of the Word Ladder for each student.Choose whether you want to do the Word Ladder with the class as a whole, or have students work alone, in pairs, or in groups. If students are emergent readers, you might read the clues to them and use a think-aloud method to model how to complete the activity. In addition, you might display a copy on the overhead projector to demonstrate how to fill in the word on each rung. As their skills develop, students can begin doing the Word Ladders independently.

At each new word, students will see two clues: the kinds of changes they need to make to the previous word ("change the first letter," "change the vowel," and so on), and a definition of or clue to the meaning of the word. Sometimes this clue will be a sentence in which the word is used in context but is left out for children to fill in. Move from word to word in this way, up the whole Word Ladder.

Thats the lesson in a nutshell! It should take no longer than ten minutes to do. Once youre done, you might extend the lessons by having students sort the words into various categories. This can help them deepen their understanding of word relationships.

* Sample pages: 

* 练习方式:从底部出发,red;第一阶梯:a place to sleep, 单词变化方式:Change the first letter; (bed)第二阶梯:to make a guess, 以例句辅佐,确定单词运用的情景;单词变化方式:Change the last letter;  (be

t)第三阶梯:to pat gently, 以例句辅佐,确定单词运用的情景;单词变化方式:Change the first letter;  (pet) 第四阶梯:the seed of a peach, 单词变化方式:Change the vowel;  (

pit = stone) 第五阶梯:used to attach things to clothes, 以例句辅佐,确定单词运用的情景;单词变化方式:Change the last letter;  (

pin) 第六阶梯:a color made by mixing red and white;单词变化方式:Add a letter to the end;  (pink) * 练习要点:对学生的基础词汇量有一定的要求;

要准确解读相关提示线索句或释义;有必要借助词典辅佐进行该活动。点亮“在看”,公号平台回复“ladder”,即可获取 G1-2  PDF高清练习电子稿。




