
feifei123 发布于 2025-02-26 阅读(3)

Word StoryBrexit脱欧From ‘Bremain’ and ‘Bregret’ to ‘Euro-Fudge’, Christine Ro takes a look at the new phrases and expressions coined by a referendum.



Earlier in March, the British poet Brian Bilston published a new piece on Twitter. Entitled Meaningful Vote, it ends with the lines “How foolish, it seems/How senseless, absurd/To redefine a nation/In pursuit of a word”. ‘Brexit’ has quickly shot into everyday use – as inevitable in British conversations as ‘sorry’ or commentary on the weather. For those who aren’t yet Brexhausted, there are some interesting parallels between ‘Brexit’ (the word) and Brexit (the political phenomenon).


对于那些还没对脱欧感到厌倦的人,就对词汇“脱欧”和政治现象中的脱欧之间,饶有兴致地来回对比It might seem a long time ago now, but Brexit was preceded by Grexit. A pair of Citigroup economists first used the term ‘Grexit’ in February 2012, to refer to the possibility of Greece leaving the eurozone. Three months later, Peter Wilding coined ‘Brexit’, describing it as ‘another sad word’, in a think-tank article. Wilding, a solicitor, worked on EU policy and media for the Conservative Party under David Cameron. He’s a Remainer who thinks that the catchiness of ‘Brexit’ helped the Leave campaign, and thus now regrets creating the word. This may be the original Bregret.


怀尔丁是一名律师,曾与戴维卡梅伦领导下的保守党协作研究欧盟政策和媒体他是一名留欧派,认为“脱欧”这个词朗朗上口,有助于脱欧,现在他很后悔发明了这个词这就是“悔欧”的来源Coffee TimeAn additional irony is that ‘Brexit’ has become a rallying cry for those who want a more distant relationship with Europe, when the word ‘exit’ is a borrowing from Latin. “Because of the word itself, we have been painted into a corner,” argues Cardiff University linguist Lise Fontaine. “By accepting this term, by repeating it, by making it so frequent that it comes out automatically, we have closed down alternative perspectives and ideas about ending the UK’s membership with the European Union.” These alternative perspectives might have included more attention from the outset to Northern Ireland, which is of course part of the UK but strictly speaking not part of Britain (the large island of England, Wales and Scotland).


”这替代性主张可能从一开始对北爱尔兰过分关注就有了虽然该地区有部分是联合王国的领土,但严格来说并不是不列颠(既有英格兰,巍峨是和苏格兰组成的岛屿)的一部分Fontaine’s research into the semantics of ‘Brexit’ shows that after a brief flirtation with the ‘Brixit’ spelling, ‘Brexit’ became standard. But in the early days ‘Brexit’ was marked with quotation marks, boldface, definitions, and terms like ‘so-called’—showing that even with a standardised spelling, the term’s usage hadn’t become fully normalised.


Indeed, ‘Brexit’ didn’t take off for several years, until the lead-up to the 2015 general election in the UK. One of Cameron’s campaign pledges was for a renegotiation of the British relationship with the EU. It was from this period, and especially following the announcement of the referendum, that ‘Brexit’ exploded. Fontaine recalls suddenly hearing the term everywhere in cabs and pubs. In 2016 Collins Dictionary named it the word of the year. By the end of 2016 it was a global word, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, which has also noted related coinages like ‘Brexit dividend’.


在2016年,柯林斯词典将其评选为年度词汇按照牛津英语词典的说法,到2016年底,它已经成为一个全球性词汇,牛津还记录了类似“脱欧红利”这类创新词汇In addition to the flourishing of new terms, Brexit has brought certain words into new or changed prominence. ‘Unicorn’ has become a term used to discredit ‘unrealistic’ Brexiteers, with the European Council president Donald Tusk sharing a letter from a six-year-old featuring a drawing of the mystical creature. ‘Backstop’ is another example. Until late 2017, web search results for ‘backstop’ were dominated by sports fans or finance experts. It’s since become synonymous with the open border between Ireland and Northern Ireland – a sticking point in the Brexit negotiations.


直到2017年底,网搜就能搜到“backstop”这个词的话,得到的结果主要是和体育迷或者金融专家有关从此以后,这个词跟爱尔兰和北爱尔兰之间的开放式边界有关--而这个边界也是脱欧协议中过不去的坎Coffee Time

Turning ‘Brexit’ into art把“脱欧”变成艺术‘Backstop’ and its variations are just a few of the many terms that appear in The Brexit Lexicon, a video installation by artist Simon Roberts. This artwork contains two parts: an 80-minute video of a newsreader reciting an alphabetised list of words and phrases related to Brexit; and a projection of the teleprompter he’s reading. The effect is overwhelming.


这效果令人叹为观止Roberts has been collecting these terms since the day after the referendum, whose result shocked him into wanting to make artwork about Brexit. It was a laborious process to collect this lexicon. For two years Roberts scoured social media and news media to make note of nearly 5,000 new expressions describing some aspect of Brexit. Early on he noticed an infusion of technical terms, and then a flowering of political soundbites. There was also a clustering of expressions around specific events, such as the July 2018 Brexit plan agreed at the Chequers country house. This gave rise to, among many other phrases, ‘Chequers Blueprint’, ‘Chequers Checkmated’, ‘Chequers Euro-fudge’ and ‘Chuck Chequers’.



It’s clear from The Brexit Lexicon that ‘Brexit’ has spilled outside the political realm. Since the referendum there have been dozens of new company registrations with ‘Brexit’ in their names, as well as applications for trademarks for items like Brexit biscuits and Brexit energy drinks.

从《脱欧字典》中可以明显看出“脱欧”已经外溢到政治领域以外的地方自从脱欧公投以来,几十家新注册的企业名字中带有“脱欧”字样,还有诸如脱欧饼干和脱欧能量饮料等商品的商标申请The international spread of ‘Brexit’。

“脱欧”的国际扩散A few aspects have helped ‘Brexit’ become ubiquitous. One is the playfulness of English, particularly British English. The British tabloids have excelled at punning headlines in the post-referendum era. A sampling of the newspeak collected for The British Lexicon – including ‘All the Authority of a Smacked Blancmange’, ‘Fudgiest Fudge in the History of Euro-fudge’, and ‘Ambitious Managed Divergence’ – shows the variety of dark humour, bureaucratese and linguistic novelty people have employed in attempts to explain Brexit.


Coffee Time“English has a long and rich tradition of verbal humour. British media in particular are no strangers to various kinds of wordplay,” says Gordana Lalić-Krstin. She and Nadežda Silaški, who teach language at the University of Belgrade, have researched other neologisms (or new terms) influenced by Brexit.

戈尔达娜说;“英国有着悠长且丰富的语言幽默史英国媒体特别对各类的文字游戏也很熟悉”她和目前的贝尔格莱德大学教授语言的娜杰日达,一起研究了受脱欧影响而出现的新词汇‘Brexit’has given rise to possibilities like ‘Califexit’ (which could be the title of a Red Hot Chili Peppers album, and defines California leaving the US) and ‘Fixit’ (which sounds like a plumber’s tool, but refers to the possibility of Finland leaving the EU). Silaški and Lalić-Krstin have also recorded this structure being used in terms like ‘Mexit’ (for the retirement of footballer Lionel Messi) and ‘Trexit’ (if a US resident decides to leave the country due to Donald Trump).。


These reshapings are helped along by the international reach of English. “The global dominance of English, especially on the internet, means that words spread fast, and may be adopted by different languages or by different varieties of English more readily than ever before,” Lalić-Krstin says. “‘Brexit’ is an internationalism, ie a word that is recognisable globally and has entered many other languages in its original form and meaning, instead of being translated.”


There’s also the malleability of the word itself (and of parts of speech in the English language more generally). Fontaine comments: “‘Exit’ is one of these very flexible words that doesn’t easily get classified as a strict noun or as a strict verb. So I think that ambiguity is something that is an advantage for this kind of word, where you can capture a meaning that’s got movement to it, but use it as a noun instead. It opens up all kinds of potentials that it wouldn’t otherwise have.” Even though dictionaries are generally classing ‘Brexit’ as a noun, it’s undergoing a process of denominalisation, or verbing, such as in references to Brexiting.


它开启了在某种情况下不具备的各种可能性”尽管词典里一般将“脱欧”归类为名词,但这个词在经历一个名词到动词的转变,或者说动词化过程,例如人们经常提到“brexing”这个词Fontaine calls ‘Brexit’ a complex nominal, or a noun that packs in a great deal of meaning. Rather than using a wordy phrase like ‘the possible exit of Britain from the European Union’, Fontaine says, “it’s kind of got sentence grammar in a slot that’s normally filled by a noun.”

拉立奇说:“它是一个浓缩词,本身就是一个趣味组合,激发了人们去玩弄这种构词法的兴趣,萌生出了许多,如“悔脱”“悔离”“脱欧式”或者“脱欧列颠”这样的词汇这些单词言简意赅”Coffee TimeAnd though ‘Bremain’ is the converse of ‘Brexit’, Fontaine explains that “their individual grammar is quite different”. For one thing, it’s not as flexible: “You can’t talk about ‘the Remain’. It doesn’t have a noun counterpart.” And it’s less compelling as a word because, according to Fontaine, “There’s nothing exciting. There’s no risk, there’s no threat. It’s not newsworthy.”。


”‘Brexit’ past and future“脱欧”的过去与未来It may seem that Brexit has captured the world’s imagination like no other single political coinage. But a precursor is the Watergate scandal in the 1970s. Watergate has continued to influence neologisms decades later, such as ‘Monicagate’ (for the affair between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton) and ‘Piggate’ (for an unsavoury allegation involving David Cameron and an Oxford dining club).


As for the future of ‘Brexit’, regardless of what happens on 29 March? “What should happen with a word that’s this common and this frequent is that it should soon have a metaphoric use,” says Fontaine. It remains to be seen whether ‘pull a Brexit’ will refer in the future to dividing a country down the middle, or to ushering in a new period of prosperity and sovereignty.


”The Brexit Lexicon will be at the Format Festival in Derby, UK from 15 March to 14 April.拓展阅读英国脱欧不仅影响了英语

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标签:  英国 这个词 单词 词汇 词语 

