word表格制作步骤视频(2019新版高一英语必修一教材Unit 2 Travelling Around中英文翻译及课后习题答案(2))

wufei123 发布于 2023-12-22 阅读(499)

Listening and Talking听和说Make reservation预订1, Listen to the phone call and answer the questions.听电话录音并回答问题

1) What are the two speakers talking about?这两人个说话者在谈论什么?答案:they are talking about buying a plane ticket

2) What is the relationship between the two speakers?这两个说话者是什么关系?答案:one of the people in the conversation is a customer, while the other is an airline reservation agent.


2,Listen again and complete the table with the words you hear再听一次对话用你听到完成以下表格。答案如下:

3,Imagine you are making plans for the holiday. Choose one of the situations below and role-play a phone call with a partner.想像你要为一次假期做旅行计划,选择下面一个情景,跟搭档互换角色进行打电话

Reading for Writing阅读 写作Write to a friend about a travel plan给一个朋友写一份旅行计划1,Read Richard’ s email to his friend and the brochure that he found.Do you think his plan sounds interesting? Why?阅读RICHARD写给朋友的邮件和他发现的小册子,你认为他的计划有趣吗?为什么?

答案:yes,it sounds quite interesting. The Terracotta Army is national treasure and one of the largest and most important archaeological finds in the world.是的,听起来很有趣。

兵马俑是中国的国宝,也是世界上最大、最重要的考古发现之一To: xl@youthlife.com收信人:xl@youthlife.comCc:抄送:Subject: A travel plan to Xi’an主题:西安旅行计划

Dear Xiao Li,亲爱的小李,My time here in China is going well. I love my new school and classmates. Over the October holiday, my parents and I are planning to go to Xi’an to see the Terracotta Army. I’ve heard that it is an amazing sight, and I can’t wait to go. To me, the story of the Terracotta Army is almost unbelievable. It’s amazing that there are more than 8,000 statues, and no one in modern times knew about them until the 1970s.


We’re also planning to visit several other places in Xi’an. My dad and I are both looking forward to going to the Shaanxi History Museum, because my dad loves history and I have heard that this museum is known as a “Chinese treasure house”! We’re also going to the Xi’an City Wall and a few other famous sights.

我们还计划去游览西安的其他景点爸爸和我都期待着参观陕西历史博物馆,因为我爸爸热爱历史,而我听说这家博物馆被誉为“中国宝库”!我们还打算游览西安古城墙和其他一些著名的景点We’re taking the train, leaving the day before the October holiday begins. We’re arriving at 9: 30 a.m. and will start sightseeing right away, so I hope we sleep well on the train!。

我们打算坐火车,在十一假期开始的前一天出发上午9:30到达到西安之后,我们马上开始观光,但愿我们能在火车上睡个好觉!I guess that’s all for now! I’ll write again soon and send photos! Do you have any plans for the coming holiday? Hope to hear from you soon.。

我想今天就写到这里吧!我很快会再给你写信和发照片的!你对即将到来的假期有什么安排吗?希望收到你的来信Your friend, 你的朋友,Richard理查德2,study the organisation and language features.研究句子组成和语言特点。

1) Summarise the email in the table用以下一张表来概括邮件的内容

2)Underline the words and phrases used to express emotion in the email. Then complete the sentence below.下划线的词汇和句子在邮件中是用于表达情感的,完成下面的句子。

3,Use the tables above to help you write a travel plan. Then follow the steps below.使用上面的表格帮助你写一份旅行计划,然后遵循下面的步骤

1) Pretend you are Xiao Li and reply to Richard’s email假如你是小李并回复RICHARD的邮件(答案略)2) Exchange drafts, Assess each other’ s work according to the checklist交换草稿,根据检查清单评估另一个人写的东西(答案略)

V Is there a clear purpose for the trip?旅行的目的清晰吗?V Does each paragraph have a clear main idea?是否每段都有一个清晰的主题思想?

V Does the writer use the present continuous tense for future plans?作者是否使用了现在进行时时态来表达将来时》V Does the writer use commas, stops,and question marks correctly?

作者使用的逗号,句子和问号是否准确?V Are all the words spelt correctly?所有的拼写是否正确?V Are all the proper nouns capitalised ?

所有专有名词都大写了吗?3) Revise your draft according to your partner’s comments根据你搭档的评语修改你的草稿(答案略)3,Put up your email in the classroom or read it to class将你的邮件张贴在教室或向全班同学念出

Assessing your progress评估你的学习进展1,complete the postcard with the correct forms of the words below.下面的词汇使用正确的形式完成下面的卡片

Destination,   sight,    pack,    credit,     detail,    amazing,     rent,      admireHi Paul,Hello from our final (destination) --Neuschwanstein castle ! we arrived in Europe about six days ago.I’m so glad that we (rented) a car.The highways here are wonderful. And driving lets you see lots of amazing (sights).I’m also pleased I ( packed ) good walking shoes. Because we’ve walked A LOT in the last few days. I feel like we drive for only a short time and then walk and walk and walk!

I think what I ( admire ) most so far is the architecture. The ( details ) on the building here are so unusual, so different from China. Of course, I’m also enjoying  the shopping! I bought gifts for all of my family and friends. I’m very glad my (credit ) card works here. So I don’t have to carry a lot of money. I hope I can come back here some day and see all of these ( amazing ) places again

Your friendMelilin.2,Read the conversation and mark the phrases expressing future plans.阅读对话,标注出将来的表达法。

role-play the conversation with a partner. Pay attention to your stress and intonation角色互换,注意你的重音和语调REFLECTNG回顾(以下给出的是个人的参考答案)

My favourite part of this unit was ( reading for writing ) because (I know many new words and expression )。

In this unit, I had a hard time with ( Listening and Talking ) because (my listening is very poor ) I wish I could learn more about ( designing a travel brochure ) because ( it improve my writing )。

Overall, I thought this unit was (useful )Project : Design a travel brochure.项目,设计旅行小册子1,Read the posts and find out what each student’s reason is for travelling.阅读下面的文章,找出每个学生旅行的原因?。

译文:HI 大家好,我是FRASER,我来自英国,因为我对中国的历史和文化很感兴趣所以今年我要去中国旅行,我要去看长城,但除此之外,我不知道还可以去哪里?请问你们有什么想法?

译文:你们好,我叫ANTHONY, 我来自法国,暑假期间我想去中国徒步旅行,我喜爱大自然,我真的很想看那边美丽的风景。山脉,天空,湖泊。。。。我所看到的中国农村照片太棒了。

译文:嗨,我叫ANNA,我来自俄罗斯,我刚开始我高中生活的最后一年,我想参观中国的一些大学,因为我想明年在那里读书我也想体验一些中国文化和看看那边的自然风光但我的主要目的是想去看看哪个大学最适合我2,Work in groups, Research, plan, and design a tour.团队合作,调查,计划和设计一次旅行

1) Brainstorm different types of tours and add them to the list below.大家集思广益一次不同的旅行并用到下面的词汇 Education,   History,   Adventure,     Culture,    Cuisine。

参考答案:Hi everybody! We are students from International Bilingual Academy of Hui Zhou No.1 Middle School. We are taking a once-in-a-lifetime adventure across Guang Zhou throung food. 

嗨大家好!我们是来自惠州一中双语国际学校的学生,借由饮食我们走访广州将开始一段绝无仅有的美食之旅Guangzhou is a famous cultural city with a long history of more than 2000 years. However, food is the best way to explore GZ culture ,because we really live to eat广州是一座具有2000多年悠久历史的文化名城,所以饮食是了解广州文化最好的途径,因为我们为食而生。

As we know “Cantonese cuisine eat in GuangZhou”大家都知道广东的美食吃在广州”,today we are going to introduce you some famous local snack今天我们要给你介绍一些著名的当地美食小吃.

2) Choose one person and a tour he/she might like. Work out a week-long travel plan for the tour.选她喜欢的一次旅行,写出一周的旅行计划(以下为参考答案)

3,Design a travel brochure for the tour, make your brochure as attractive as possible设计一个旅行册子,尽量可能册子能吸引人 (答案略)

以下为视频原文仅供参考:                       Machu Picchu马丘比丘This beautiful ,quiet place is covered in sunshine and has mountains all around it. Its name is Machu Picchu. It’s sometimee called the Lost city of Inca.and it’s nearly 8000 feet in the Andes.

这个美丽安静的地方阳光灿烂,四周群山环绕它的名字是马丘比丘它被称为印加失落之城,它在安第斯山脉有将近8000英尺高It’s magic,attraction that you can feel it here. It’s known all over the world that Machu Picchu is one of the magnetic centre of the ancient world.。

你可以在这里感受到它的魔力和吸引力全世界都知道,马丘比丘是古代世界的磁心之一 Machu Picchu is more than 500 years old. Today it’s a favourite place for visitors from over the world. Even in the rain and fog,it’s wonderful to walk through the ruins.马丘比丘有500多年的历史。

今天它是世界各地游客最喜欢的地方即使在雨和雾中,在废墟中漫步也是很美妙的 When the Inca civilization ended,few people knew Machu Picchu existed for a long time.it was lost to the outside world. Then,in 1911,an explorer called Hiram Bingham found it again.

当印加文明结束时,很少有人知道马丘比丘存在了很长一段时间它被外界所遗忘1911年,一位名叫海勒姆·宾厄姆的探险家再次发现了它At first, very few people visited Machu Picchu,but now,hundred of tourists come here every day.they walk up the steps of the ancient city and climb over the ruins.,Machu Picchu is no longer quiet.起初,参观马丘比丘的人很少,但现在,每天都有数百名游客来到这里。

他们走上古城的台阶,爬上废墟,马丘比丘不再平静It’s full of the sounds of tourists. Some people in Peru hope that more tourists will come here. They think it will mean more business nd money for the country. However, some conservationists worry that more visitors won’t be good for Machu Picchu. They say that tourism may not be good for the environment.到处都是游客的声音。

秘鲁的一些人希望有更多的游客来这里他们认为这将意味着国家有更多的生意和资金然而,一些自然资源保护主义者担心,更多的游客对马丘比丘没有好处他们说,旅游业可能对环境不好Jose,a local hotel owner says Machu Picchu and Peru can take a few more visitors .why not be like the rest of the world? Why not expose and show Machu Picchu to the rest of the world? It’s a such a wonderful place,why keep it to a few? 当地一家旅馆的老板何塞说,马丘比丘和秘鲁可以多接待一些游客,为什么不像世界其他地方那样呢?为什么不把马丘比丘展示给全世界呢?这是一个如此美妙的地方,为什么只保留给少数国家呢?

The truth is that part of Peru are very poor and tourist bring money to these communities. Aguas Calientes is a town that grew suddenly near an area where visitors get on buses to get to the summit of Machu Picchu.事实是,秘鲁的部分地区非常贫穷,游客给这些社区带来了收入。

阿瓜斯·卡连特斯(Aguas Calientes)是一个突然发展起来的小镇,它靠近一个游客乘坐公共汽车前往马丘比丘山顶的地方The people here live completely on money from tourism. the town is just a group of stalls where local people sell art and things they have made to visitors.这里的人们完全靠旅游赚钱。

这个小镇只是一群摊位,当地人在那里向游客出售自己制作的艺术品和物品The Lost city is no longer lost, tourist have found it the modern word is coming closer to this ancient world every day, time may be running out for the lost city of the Inca .失落之城不再失落,游客们发现现代这个词每天越来越靠近这个古城,对于印加这个失落城市来说时间已经没有了more and more people are discovering it. In the end it may be the modern world that forever changes this ancient city.但是越来越多的人发现了它,最后也许现代世界永远改变了这座古城。

Before you watch你观看前:Complete the sentence with the words and phrases below, you may use a dictionary to help you用下面的词汇和短语完成下面的句子,你可有要用到查字典。

1, Machu Picchu was once part of the ( Inca civilisation )2,For many years, Machu Picchu was lost to the ( outside world  )

3,Machu Picchu is now made of ( ruins )4,People believe that Machu Picchu is a ( Magnetic centre ), attracting many tourists each year.

5,Apart from being a magical place, Machu Picchu also brings a lot of ( business and money ) to Peru.

6, Local people sell things at ( stalls ) to tourist.While you watch你在观看中Choose the correct answers选择正确的答案

1, Another name for Machu Picchu is (  C  )A,Aguas Calientes         B, one of the magnetic centres of the ancient world         

C,the Lost city of the Inca.2,Machu Picchu was built (  B  )A,in 1911             B,more than 500 years ago,    C,500 years ago

3,Some people worry that too many tourists going to Machu Picchu  (  A  )A, will be bad for the environment        B,will be bad for business     C,will be too nosy

4,The people in the town live completely (  A  )A,on the money from tourism       B,by selling art     C,by driving buses

5, Machu Picchu may be changed forever by (  C  )A,the weather              B,poverty           C,tourism

After you watch观看后Work in groups .discuss the questions团队合作,讨论问题 (答案略)1,Are these any places like Machu Picchu in China? In what ways are they alike?

中国有没有像马丘比丘这样的地方?它们哪些方面像?2,Should tourism be stopped in places like Machu Picchu?Why or why not?像马丘比丘这样的地方应该禁止旅游业吗?为什么





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