word groups是什么意思翻译(work groups and real teams工作小组跟真正的团队)

feifei123 发布于 2025-02-26 阅读(5)

The distinctions between work groups and real teams incorporate three aspects.工作小组以及真正团队的区别主要包括三个方面1.an incremental performance need and opportunity.

1.是否有不断增加的绩效要求或机会2.true independence .2.成员之间是否真正相互依赖3real shared accountability.3.是否有共同分担的责任How should we comprehend the above three points.。


1.Does an incremental performance need or opportunity exist?Put another way,is there a need or opportunity to make a significant difference in organizational performance?Since itcomes down to an issue of return on investment.Return is measured not only in dollars,but in thequality of work life and other intangible factors.

这项工作是否有不断增强的绩效要求或机会换句话说,就是是否要求企业绩效发生重大变化因为归根到底,这关系到投资的收益问题除了金钱,收益还应该考虑员工的工作生涯质量以及一些无形因素2.Real team,they know his own and others accountabilities,truly share and depends on each other to keep track of the work problems in the process of attaining the common group objective.By comparison,the work group more prefers the individual goal with some form of coordination or collaboration lack of group common objective and true interdependency.。


真正团队的场合有:体育团队、急诊室里的创伤治疗小组等工作小组的场合有:公司里的职能部门、百货里的店员、餐馆的服务员等Examples of situations are needed real teams are sports teams or emergency roon trauma teams.Examples of situations are needed work groups are a functional department in a firm,or a department store clerks ,or waiters in a restaurant.。


标签:  团队 绩效 工作 成员 工作小组 

