
wufei123 发布于 2024-08-22 阅读(9)


Potential (潜力)1. The potential of this technology is enormous, it could revolutionize the way we live.(

这种技术的潜力巨大,它有可能彻底改变我们的生活)2. His potential as a musician was evident from a very young age.(他从小就展现出了成为音乐家的潜力。

)Senior (高级的)1. Shes a senior manager at the company, responsible for overseeing multiple departments.(

她是公司的高级经理,负责监督多个部门)2. As a senior citizen, he enjoys the freedom and flexibility that only comes with retirement.(。

作为一名高级公民,他享受着退休后带来的自由和灵活性)Path (路径)1. Finding the right path in life can be challenging, but its worth it in the end.(。

在生活中找到正确的道路可能具有挑战性,但最终是值得的)2. The path to success is never easy, but with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.(。

成功的道路从来都不简单,但只要努力并全心投入,一切皆有可能)Challenge (挑战)1. Overcoming challenges is what makes life interesting and fulfilling.(。

克服挑战使生活充满趣味和成就感)2. This new project will pose significant challenges, but Im confident we can rise to the occasion.(。

这个新项目将带来重大挑战,但我相信我们能够应对自如)Thinking (思考)1. Critical thinking is an essential skill in todays fast-paced world.(。

在当今快节奏的世界中,批判性思维是一项必不可少的技能)2. Taking time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings can help you grow and develop as a person.(。

花时间反思你的想法和感受可以帮助你成长和发展)Positive (积极的)1. A positive attitude can make all the difference in achieving your goals.(。

积极的态度可以在实现目标时起到决定性的作用)2. Its important to focus on the positive aspects of any situation, even in difficult times.(。

即使在困难时期,也应关注任何情况的积极方面)Opportunity (机会)1. Dont miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore a new city and experience a different culture.(。

不要错过这个难得的机会,去探索一个新的城市并体验不同的文化)2. With so many opportunities available, its up to us to take advantage of them and make the most of our lives.(。

有如此多的机会可供利用,我们要抓住它们,充分利用我们的生活)让它给我们英文解释,注意我的口令也是英文的Please explain these words in Englishpotentialsenior。

pathchallengethinkingpositiveopportunity1. Potential: This word refers to the ability or possibility of achieving something in the future. It suggests that there is a chance for growth or development, but it is not yet certain how it will turn out.

Example: The potential of this new technology is enormous.2. Senior: This word is used to describe someone who has reached a higher level of experience, authority, or rank within an organization or community. It often implies wisdom and expertise.

Example: She is a senior executive at the company.3. Path: This word refers to a series of steps or directions that lead from one point to another. It can be physical, such as a road or trail, or metaphorical, such as a career path or personal development journey.

Example: He followed the path of his dreams and became a successful entrepreneur.4. Challenge: This word refers to a difficult situation or task that requires effort, skill, or determination to overcome. It can also refer to a competitive advantage or advantage over others.

Example: The challenge of climbing Mount Everest is daunting but rewarding.5. Thinking: This word refers to the process of using ones mind to consider ideas, solve problems, or make decisions. It involves mental activity and can involve different types of thinking, such as analytical, creative, or intuitive.

Example: Critical thinking is essential for success in todays complex world.6. Positive: This word refers to something that is good, desirable, or beneficial. It suggests a sense of optimism and confidence about the future.

Example: A positive attitude can make all the difference in overcoming challenges.7. Opportunity: This word refers to a favorable circumstance or prospect for achieving something desired or desired outcome. It suggests that there is a chance for success or progress.

Example: The opportunity to study abroad was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for him.然后我们让它写词汇故事,方便我们阅读巩固词汇

我用6篇故事给大家做一个示范新1词汇故事集用英文,写2篇故事 每篇100字左右的有趣的英文小故事语言难度为2年级英语需用到下面所有英文单词1 envelope2 writing paper3 shop assistant。

4 size5 pad6 glue7 chalk8 change1.Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She received an envelope from her uncle in the mail. Inside the envelope was a note and a small piece of paper with a size printed on it. Lily couldnt wait to use the writing paper to write back to her uncle. She went to the shop and asked the shop assistant for help finding the right size writing paper. The shop assistant showed her different sizes and colors until she found one she liked. Lily then used glue to stick the piece of paper onto the writing paper and wrote her message. When she gave the letter to the postman, he asked if she wanted any change. Lily happily said yes and received some extra money in return.

2.One day, Tom decided to make a card for his mothers birthday. He went to the store and bought an envelope, some writing paper, a pad, glue, and some chalk. He carefully wrote his message on the writing paper using chalk. Then, he used glue to stick the paper onto the pad. After that, he cut out a picture from a magazine and pasted it onto the front of the card using more glue. Finally, he put some money in the envelope as a gift for his mother. When he gave the card to her, she was very happy and thanked him for making such a thoughtful present.

Readability ConsensusBased on (7) readability formulas, we have scored your text:Grade Level:5Reading Level:

easy to read.Readers Age:8-9 yrs. old (Fourth and Fifth graders)这个难度其实比较适合初中生,和部分小学有一点阅读基础的孩子新2词汇故事集用英文,写

2篇故事 每篇100字左右的关于的搞笑的英文小故事语言难度为2年级英语需用到下面所有英文单词1 private2 conversation3 theatre4 seat5 play6 loudly7 angry

8 angrily9 attention10 bear11 business12 rudely1.Tom was in a private conversation with his friend when they accidentally bumped into each other. Toms seat shook violently and he spilled his drink all over the theatre. The audience laughed loudly at their misfortune. Tom became angry and spoke rudely to his friend, but then decided to bear it and apologize for his behavior. They continued watching the play, but Tom couldnt fully focus due to his anger.

2.Sarah was sitting in her favorite seat at the theatre when she noticed that the person next to her was talking loudly on their phone. Sarah politely asked them to lower their voice, but they ignored her and continued speaking loudly. Sarah became angry and started shouting back at them, causing the whole row of seats to shake. The people around them started giving her strange looks, but she didnt care as long as she got her attention back. In the end, she had to bear with the rude people and watch the play in peace.

Readability ConsensusBased on (7) readability formulas, we have scored your text:Grade Level:7Reading Level:

fairly easy to read.Readers Age:11-13 yrs. old (Sixth and Seventh graders)高中词汇故事集用英文,写2篇故事每篇320字左右的关于的搞笑的英文小故事。

语言难度为12年级英语, 平均句子长度为22词需用到下面所有英文单词.potentialseniorpathchallengethinkingpositiveopportunitylie inrise to。

acquireeffortadvanceamazing1.Sarah was a potential senior in high school who had always been interested in science and technology. She knew that her path to success would require a lot of hard work and dedication, but she was willing to put in the effort to achieve her dreams. One day, Sarah came across an amazing opportunity to participate in a prestigious science competition. She knew that this would be a challenge, but she was determined to rise to the occasion and prove herself. As she began thinking about how to prepare for the competition, Sarah realized that the key to success lay in acquiring new knowledge and skills. She started studying harder than ever before, spending long hours in the laboratory and attending advanced classes. Her hard work paid off when she won first place in the competition, earning her a coveted spot at a top university. Sarahs positive attitude and determination had helped her overcome any obstacle and achieve her goals.

2.Tom had always been interested in art and design, but he never thought that his passion could lead him to a successful career as a professional graphic designer. He knew that the path ahead would be full of challenges, but he was determined to make it work. Tom started by acquiring new skills and knowledge through online courses and workshops. He also worked hard to develop his own unique style and approach to design. As he began to gain recognition for his work, Tom was approached by a major advertising agency looking for a new designer. Despite his age, Tom was able to rise to the occasion and prove himself as a valuable asset to the agency. His hard work and dedication had paid off, and he was finally able to turn his passion into a rewarding career.

Readability ConsensusBased on (7) readability formulas, we have scored your text:Grade Level:10Reading Level:

fairly difficult to read.Readers Age:14-15 yrs. old (Ninth to Tenth graders)科大目前的难度处理还不是那么严谨,所以具体故事的难度,需要老师们自己去把握。



爱迪生的理想世界  这不是单纯的聊天群是一群热爱英语热爱生活的朋友的聚集地


