word by word造句简单(看完这条长文案,我滚去看书了)

wufei123 发布于 2024-08-22 阅读(8)

看完这条长文案,我滚去看书了从咿呀学语到蹒跚学步,每个人从一生下来就在学习,学习语言,学习走路,学习生存,无论年龄几何,你我都有一个共同身份:From babbling to toddlering, everyone has been learning, learning language, learning to walk, learning to survive since he was born. Regardless of age, you and I have a common identity:

学习者Learner.下面这条短片,就是在致敬学习者文案:Copywriting:感谢你Thank you感谢你每天清晨翻过大山去上学Thank you for going over the mountain to school every morning。

感谢你把闹钟设在凌晨四点Thank you for setting the alarm at 4 a.m感谢你在白炽灯下记录临床笔记Thank you for taking the clinical notes under the incandescent lamp

感谢你发射了人生中第一支火箭Thank you for launching the first rocket in your life感谢你挥别父母,登上离开家乡的火车Thank you for saying goodbye to your parents and getting on the train leaving your hometown

感谢你一字一顿的念出这句英语Thank you for saying this sentence word by word感谢你伴着烟火气读书Thank you for reading with the smoke

感谢你在小屋里,让梦想发芽Thank you for being in the hut and making your dreams come to life感谢你用双手,支起一张书桌Thank you for putting up a desk with your hands

感谢你的腰包里,始终揣着一本书Thank you for carrying a book in your pocket感谢你的工具房,也是书房Thank you for the tool room. Its also the study

感谢你跨越大半个中国,在荒漠上撑起一片绿洲Thank you for crossing most of China and supporting an oasis in the desert感谢你在实验室连续奋斗36个小时

Thank you for your 36 hours in the lab感谢你画出对细节的所有思考Thank you for drawing all your thoughts on the details

感谢你在末班车上给自己充电Thank you for charging yourself on the last bus感谢你一边跑步一边听新闻Thank you for running and listening to the news

感谢你深夜守在床边,默背考点Thank you for staying by the bed late at night感谢你第四次迈进雅思考场Thank you for entering the IELTS test room for the fourth time

感谢你选择,再次成为一个学生Thank you for choosing to be a student again感谢热爱Thanks for loving感谢理想Thanks for your dreams.

感谢你勇往直前的背影Thank you for your brave back感谢你一直拥有希望Thank you for always having hope感谢,这个时代Thank you this time

网易有道NetEase has a way感谢学习者Thank you learners前不久,网易有道IPO上市,特意发布了这样一条感谢学习者的短片Not long ago, the IPO of Netease Youdao released such a short film to thank learners.。

短片没有老板,没有员工,也没有产品,只有一个又一个普通、努力的学习者的故事There is no boss, no staff, no product, only one ordinary and hard-working story of learners.。

这些学习者的故事都有现实原型The stories of these learners have realistic archetypes.10岁男孩李建文,是大岩垌小学唯一的一名学生为了求学,他每天都要6点钟起床,翻过两座大山,步行1.5个小时去学校。

Li Jianwen, a 10-year-old boy, is the only student in Dayandong primary school. In order to study, he got up at 6 oclock every day, climbed two mountains and walked 1.5 hours to school.

《大山深处9岁男孩每天翻两座大山上学》9-year-old boys go to school in two mountains every day图/柳州新闻网Picture / Liuzhou News Network

18岁外卖小哥毛召木,17岁时辍学进城打工,因用英文给订餐学生发信息在网上走红,走红后仍然利用每天的空闲时间自学英语,最终成功通过自考,如愿被外国语大学录取Mao Zhaomu, an 18-year-old take out boy, dropped out of school at the age of 17 and went to work in the city. He became popular on the Internet because he sent information to students who ordered meals in English. After becoming popular, he still used his spare time every day to learn English by himself. Finally, he successfully passed the self-study examination and was admitted by foreign language university as he wished.。

《外卖小哥边送外卖边学英语,梦想做同声传译》"Take away kid learning English while delivering take away, dream of simultaneous interpretation"

图/安徽卫视Picture / Anhui Satellite TV2009年,重庆交通大学力学教授易志坚和他的研究团队开始进行沙漠土壤化研究,经过7年反复试验,终于成功在沙漠地区种上了小麦、玉米、以及瓜果蔬菜等70多种植物。

In 2009, Yi Zhijian, a professor of mechanics at Chongqing Jiaotong University, and his research team began to study desertification. After seven years of repeated experiments, they finally planted more than 70 kinds of plants in the desert area, including wheat, corn, fruits and vegetables.

《点沙成绿,新疆“沙漠土壤化”项目实验成功》"Point sand green, Xinjiang" Desertification "project experiment success"图/央广网Figure / cctv.com

在2分钟的时长里,网易有道用19句感谢文案,巧妙串起了这19个学习者的故事In 2 minutes, Netease Youdao ingeniously linked the stories of 19 learners with 19 sentences of thank-you copywriting.。

借助这些各不相同,真实且励志的故事,网易有道试图传递一种积极进取的学习观:With the help of these different, true and inspirational stories, Netease Youdao tries to convey a positive and enterprising learning concept:

学习不只发生在学校里,它也无关年龄大小,贫富贵贱,只要心有热爱,你就要学习Learning not only happens in school, but also has nothing to do with age, rich and poor, as long as the heart has love, you have to learn.。

短片里有两处地方让我印象深刻There are two places in the video that impressed me.一处是这句文案:One is the copy:感谢你选择,再次成为一个学生。

Thank you for choosing to be a student again.

我们是什么时候丢掉求学欲的?When did we lose our desire to study?当我们不再是“学生”When we are no longer students.在所有的文案里,这句给我的震撼最大,看似平淡无奇,却自有一股力量。

In all the copywriting, this sentence shocked me the most. It seems to be ordinary, but it has its own power.

另一处是所有人向前的背影The other is everyones back.正如汪国真在《热爱生命》里写得那样:既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影As Wang Guozhen wrote in "love life": since the goal is the horizon, the only thing left to the world is the back.。

当你对这个世界还有狂热的理想时,你要做的事情,就是向前走,别回头When you still have fanatical ideals about the world, all you have to do is to move forward and dont look back.。

目前,有道旗下拥有包括网易有道词典、有道精品课、有道翻译官、有道云笔记等在线学习产品,已形成了超8亿用户的产品矩阵At present, Youdao has online learning products including Netease Youdao dictionary, Youdao excellent course, Youdao translator, Youdao cloud notes, etc., which has formed a product matrix of over 800 million users.。

作为一家互联网教育公司,网易有道为什么会在上市之际,推出感谢学习者的短片?As an internet education company, why does Netease Youdao launch a short film to thank learners when it goes public?

在这条短片里,网易有道没有将学习狭隘的定义为学习辅导,也没有露出自家产品,而是选择以礼赞学习者的视角,用简单的语言和朴实的镜头,表达对学习精神的尊敬与感谢In this short film, Netease Youdao does not define learning narrowly as learning guidance, nor does it expose its own products. Instead, it chooses to praise the learners perspective and express its respect and gratitude for the learning spirit with simple language and simple lens.。

换句话来说,网易有道是想在上市这个里程碑时刻,通过短片向外界表明自己的态度:In other words, Netease Youdao wants to show its attitude to the outside world through the short film at the milestone moment of listing:

上市不是目标和重点,服务学习者才是网易有道最重要的初心及使命Listing is not the goal and focus. Serving learners is the most important initial intention and mission of Netease Youdao.。

因此,“感谢学习者”有两个层面的含义:Therefore, "thank you learners" has two meanings:

从小的层面来说,是感谢学习者成就了网易有道,所以才有网易有道的今天From a small level, it is to thank learners for their achievements in Netease, so there is Netease today.。

而从大的层面来说,是感谢学习者为这个时代,为自己的热爱和理想所做出的努力On a large level, it is to thank the learners for their efforts in this era and for their love and ideals.。

你,是一个合格的学习者吗?Are you a qualified learner?胡适有一句话,昨日种种,皆成今我,切莫思量,更莫哀从今往后,怎么收获,怎么栽There is a saying in Hushi that all kinds of things yesterday have become me today. Dont think about them, let alone mourn them. From now on, how to harvest, how to plant.。

希望你在看完短片后,能找到学习的动力。I hope you can find the motivation to learn after watching the short film.

重点词汇蹒跚学步toddle每个人everyone; all round学习语言【计】learning language学习者learner致敬salute; pay ones respects to;

pay a tribute to文案〈旧〉official documents and correspondence; 〈旧〉secretary; clerk白炽灯filament lamp; electric incandescent lamp

火气internal heat腰包purse; pocket; walle


