视频简介:单词世界word world,每集12分钟左右,适合儿童学习单词每集都是通过build a word来解决一个问题,其中涉及到押韵词汇的相互对比和转换及word family的押韵词汇介绍,非常直观,对孩子积累词汇和训练拼读意识是非常有帮助的。
适合小学低年级的学生观看、学习【第1季 S1】01 the race to mystery island02 a star is born03 back on track04 the rainbow birthday cake。
05 a kooky spooky halloween06 sheep07 runaway08 happy birthday,dog!09 there10 chef sheep11 rocket to the moon
12 the birds13 the mystery of the disappearing pie14 duck15 sh-sh-shark!16 dog wants to play ball17 pies,pies,pies
18 waterlogged19 dog20 v is for vacation21 snug as a bug22 nightlight23 duck24 one hat fits all25 dancing dog
26 pig27 boppin28 shuffleword29 w drought30 princess sheep31 radio read-a-thon32 robots to the rescue!
33 pl-pl-plane34 mail mix up35 pig36 tick tock space clock37 castles in the sea38 get your coat39 superhero sheep
40 pirate ship41 playing spies42 wee little whale43 the christmas star44 a christmas present for dog45 bit by bit
46 ride47 play ball!48 m is for map49 flying ant50 the dancing duck bonanza51 the lost letter L52 catch that c!
【第2季 S2】01 My Fuzzy Valentine02 Duck Saves Spiders Web03 Bugs to the Rescue!04 Ducks Hiccups05 Get Well Soon Soup
06 Get Set for ET07 Sharks First Day of School08 Duck at Bat09 The Best Nest10 Bed Bugs11 Totally Terrific Duck
12 Dogs Having a Party13 Welcome Home, Duck14 Bears Bed Sled【第3季 S3】01 A String is the Thing02 Hide and Seek
03 The Really Red Ruby04 Bed Bugs05 Race to the Spaceship声明:以上资料来源于网络,版权归原作者所有。