exclaim形容词(【Voice of Excellence】中国国旗的英文是Chinese Flag吗?)

wufei123 发布于 2024-08-23 阅读(4)

Ciao, everybody! Welcome to VoE, Voice of Excellence. 大家下午好啊,欢迎来到卓越之声,我是吐司老师,话不多说,赶紧戳下方视频吧!


People Republic of China中华人民共和国

 中国国旗≠Chinese Flag正确翻译应该是👇The National Flag or The Flag of China但是你知道五星红旗的英文怎么说吗?Five-star Red Flag(❌)

five-star adj, 五星级的a five-star hotel, 五星级酒店正确翻译应该是👇the Five-starred Red Flagstarred adj, 用星星装饰的The Meaning of the National Flag

国旗的含义    Todays flag features five stars in the left-handed corner — one large star surrounded by four smaller stars — on a red background. 

    The red background is known as Chinas traditional color and dates back to the Han Dynasty in 206 B.C., but also represents the Communist revolution. 

 The largest star represents(代表) Communism(共产主义), while the four smaller stars represent the Chinese peoples social classes(阶级). These four classes are peasants(农民), workers(工人), petty bourgeoisie(小资产阶级), and patriotic capitalists(民族资产阶级).



1. National Day     国庆节2. national emblem /embləm/     国徽3. national anthem /ænθəm/     国歌4. military parade /pəreɪd/ 

    阅兵5. flag-rising ceremony /serəməni/    升旗仪式6. motherland    祖国


