exclaimed英语怎么读(聚焦枫叶杯,风采此间汇 English Excellence at the Maple Leaf Cup)

wufei123 发布于 2023-11-04 阅读(754)


    In order to highlight the English characteristics of Maple Leaf, create an English learning atmosphere, exercise students speaking, let students learn knowledge in laughter, find gaps in competition, and stimulate the enthusiasm for learning English. On Wednesday, November 28th and Thursday, November 29th, the Second Annual “Maple Leaf Cup” Speech Competition Finals were held in the Maple Leaf International School – Zhenjiang auditorium.  There are 20 competitors from both middle and high school.  All the competitors were selected after a first-round screening which took place on October 9th.  

  英语演讲比赛分为两轮,第一轮是根据固定的主题限时演讲3分钟,主题都和环保有关,小学低段的演讲话题是“如何保护我们的校园”?小学高段的主题是“如何绿化环境”?而我们的初中组旨在引导初中生关爱地球、关心他人,从小事做起, 养成良好的习惯,发现更好的自己,创造更美的世界。


总结过去、着眼现在、畅想未来     分享成长过程中的感悟,带着梦想和追求发现身边的小美好,怀揣感念、感动、感激,尊重和关爱彼此    Each day’s activities were divided into two rounds.  The first round gave each student 2-3 minutes to make a speech on a specific topic.  Elementary school students chose to discuss “How to Protect Our Campus?”, or how to “Go Green”.  Middle school students had three choices, including: “Only One Earth, Care and Share”, “Small Gestures, Big Changes”, and “Habit Forms Character, Which Determines Fate”.  High school students were more restricted and competitive in that they had to discuss “The Benefits of Garbage Sorting”.

    在演讲比赛期间,我们还特意准备了些暖场节目,高中的同学们为我们带来了精彩的歌舞秀,而我们的小预备班学生和他们的外教Ms. Honey 老师带来了童真而有趣的英文舞蹈    Between the first and second round, there was a dance performance.  On Wednesday, a pair of high school students showed their stuff, and on Thursday, there was a pair of pre-school boys busting a move with their teacher Ms. Honey.。

 为了让非英语老师积极参与进来,我们演讲比赛第二轮由非英语老师和选手共同朗读一首诗歌或小故事,这个环节既锻炼了学生们的口语,也激发了非英语老师学习英语的热情,师生共同创设的英语氛围非常的美妙    The second round was a little different than the first, having both a student reciting from memory, and a non-English subject teacher reading a piece together.  It was a real treat seeing the students working hard with their teachers to prepare for the competition, and it encouraged more teachers to stretch their English abilities.  。

任何比赛虽不能人人获奖,但可以人人参与每一份收获的喜悦,都一定流露出参与的勇气,凝聚着付出的心血,孕育着更高的目标台上一分钟,台下十年功,让我们期待着更多优秀的枫叶学子积极参加英文类活动,积极锻炼口语    Although no one can win any competition, everyone can participate. Every joy of harvest must show the courage to participate, condense the painstaking efforts and give birth to higher goals. One minute on the stage and ten years off the stage, let us look forward to more outstanding Maple Leaf students actively participating in English activities and actively speaking.

    此次比赛评选出一二三等奖各学段表现优异者将代表镇江赛区奔赴盐城,参加江苏大区复赛    In this competition, different awards were presented. The top students will advance into the next round in Yang Cheng campus. 。

下面分别是小学低段,小学高段和初中组同学们的获奖名单There were many talented students who worked hard but some achieved high praise.  Here are the lists of the student awards:。

小学小低组获奖名单Pre-school to G3 Winning List:一等奖1st Place: 小预备班:徐子然Yoyo二等奖2nd Place:二(2)班:陈曲晗Sissi三(2)班:张天羿King

三等奖3rd Place:一(1)班:尹启涵Wilson一(2)班:张文博Jack一(2)班:吴沛灿Alan二(1)班:李皓然Sonny二(3)班:姚姿睿Ella三(2)班:刘星哲Eric三(1)班:朱景怡Kitty

小学小高组获奖名单G3 to G6 Winning List:一等奖1st Place: 六(1)班:王越宁Paige二等奖2nd Place:六(1)班:吴柯含Barbie四(1)班:崔希瑞Sherry

三等奖3rd Place:四(2)班:王怡然Sunny四(2)班:郑凯瑞 Kerry四(3)班:李泽瑄 Tony五(1)班:孟迪Mandy五(1)班:颜寒Tony六(1)班:徐致谨Matthew六(2)班:蔡思睿 Tina

初中组获奖名单Middle School Winning List:一等奖1st Place: 九(3)班:孙雅玥Rachel二等奖2nd Place:七(1)班:陈宸William九(4)班:戴齐扬Christine

三等奖3rd Place:七(2)班:夏安琪Olivia七(3)班:李冰Quella七(1)班:左一凡Charles七(2)班:吕明露 Anna八(1)班:王媛舟Alice八(1)班:肖俊杰Eric九(2)班:孙小寒Olivia

九(4)班:潘韵筱Becky九(4)班:韦娜Rowena祝贺所有得奖的同学们,继续加油,再接再厉!Congratulations to all the participants for their hard work and effort!


2020春季招生正式启动咨询、报名时间:周一~周日8:30-17:00预约电话: 0511—81989999  8198979918151907230小学一年级预备班(招收大班学生)高中预备班(招收初三在读学生)





