word byword的意思(北师大版高中英语必修第三册U7L1 Masterpieces课文词汇语法)

wufei123 发布于 2023-11-16 阅读(666)

一、重点词汇1. opera [pr] n.歌剧;歌剧艺术She wanted to be an opera singer ten years ago.十年前她想成为一名歌剧演员2. band [bnd] n.乐队;乐团。

He was a drummer in a rock band.他曾是一支摇滚乐队里的鼓手3. performance [pfmns] n.表演;演出The performance starts at seven.。

演出七点开始4. exhibition [eksbn] n.展出(会),展览She refused to allow the exhibition of her husband’s work.她拒不允许展出她丈夫的作品。

5. classical [klskl] adj.(音乐)古典的;传统的He plays classical music, as well as pop.他演奏流行音乐,同时也演奏古典音乐6. jazz [dz] n.爵士乐。

The club has live jazz on Sundays.该俱乐部每个星期天都有现场爵士乐演奏7. drama [drm] n.戏剧The film is a drama about a woman searching for her children.。

这部电影是关于一个女人寻找她孩子的戏8. comedy [kmdi] n.喜剧片;喜剧节目The movie is a romantic comedy.这部电影是一个浪漫喜剧9. calligraphy [klrfi] n.书法。

He decided to take a class in calligraphy.他决定参加一个书法课程10. performer [pfm] n.表演者;演奏者;演员The young performer boasted himself to be an all-rounder.。

这个青年演员自称是个多面手11. talented [tlntd] adj.有才能的;有天资的Howard is a talented pianist.霍华德是一名有天赋的钢琴家12. professional [prfenl] adj.专业的;职业的。

He is a professional journalist.他是一位专门的新闻从业人员13. component [kmpnnt] n.组成部分The management plan has four main components.。

该管理计划有四个主要组成部分14. stage [sted] n.舞台;讲台;阶段The audience threw flowers onto the stage.观众把鲜花抛向舞台This technology is still in its early stages.。

这项技术还处于其早期开发状态15. costume [kstjum] n.戏装;化装服The actors were still in costume and make-up.这些演员仍是戏装打扮16. shade [ed] n.(画的)阴影部分

The painting needs more light and shade.这幅画明暗层次不够17. atmosphere [tmsf] n.气氛;氛围There was an atmosphere of mutual trust between them.。

他们之间有一种相互信任的气氛18. monthly [mnli] adv.每月地;每月一次地She gets paid monthly.她按月领薪水19. uplifting [plft] adj.令人振奋的。

That is a charming and uplifting love story.那是一个引人入胜、令人振奋的爱情故事20. masterpiece [mstpis] n.杰作;代表作"Man’s Fate," translated into sixteen languages, is probably his masterpiece.。

《人类的命运》,被翻译成16种文字,可能是他的代表作21. figure [f] n.人像,人形;数字It will not be long before the inflation figure starts to fall.。

过不了多久,通货膨胀的数字就会开始下降22. starry [stri] adj.布满星星的She stared up at the starry sky.她仰视繁星点点的夜空23. mentally [mentli] adv.精神上;心理上。

Sport is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging.体育运动不仅是对体力的挑战,而且是对心理的挑战。

24. massive [msv] adj.巨大的The explosion made a massive hole in the ground.爆炸在地面留下了一个巨大的坑25. beneath [bni] prep.& adv.在……(正)下方。

The boat sank beneath the waves.小船被大浪吞没了Her careful make-up hid the signs of age beneath.她细腻的化妆掩盖了妆容下年龄的痕迹。

26. effect [fekt] vt.影响There are certain factors that effect people’s size and weight.还是有一些因素会影响人们的体型和体重的。

27. drug [dr] n.药物,药材The drug has some bad side effects.这种药有些不好的副作用28. spot [spt] n.(圆)点;斑点;污渍The male bird has a red spot on its beak.。

雄鸟喙上有一个红点His jacket was covered with spots of mud.他的上衣满是泥点29. failure [felj] n.失败的事;失败The whole thing was a complete failure.。

整个事情彻底失败了All my efforts ended in failure.我的一切努力最后都无济于事30. striking [strak] adj.惊人的;显著的She bears a striking resemblance to her older sister.。

她酷似她姐姐31. scream [skrim] n.尖叫,尖叫声;vi.& vt.高声喊出let out a scream 发出尖叫声She let out a scream of pain.她疼得大叫一声。

He screamed at me to stop.他冲着我喊,要我停下来The kids were screaming with excitement.孩子们兴奋地喊叫着32. viewer [vju] n.观看者。

Some of her art is intended to shock the viewer.她的一些艺术旨在震动观赏者33. burning [bn] adj.燃烧着的She was rescued from a burning building.。

她被从着火的大楼里救了出来34. cause [kz] vt.导致,引起;使发生n.原因;事业Do they know what caused the fire?他们知道引起这场火灾的原因吗?Drinking and driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents.。

酒后驾车是导致交通事故最常见的原因之一35. scene [sin] n.景色The scene had an extraordinary charm.景色显得异乎寻常的美36. visual [vul] adj.视觉的,视力的。

Visual styles are supported only on these platforms.只有这些平台支持视觉样式37. reaction [rikn] n.反应What was his reaction to the news?。

他对这消息有何反应?二、常见表达方式1. band performance 乐队演出performance n.表演;演出put on/give a performance 演出The singer put on a fine performance last night.这位歌手昨晚进行了一场精彩演出。

2. exhibition n.展览(会),展览on exhibition 展出;陈列A collection of paintings by David Hockney is on exhibition at the Museum of Art.

大卫霍克尼的绘画收藏正在艺术博物馆展出hold an exhibition 举办展览会exhibition hall 展览馆;展览厅exhibition game 表演赛3. talented adj.有才能的,有天资的。

be talented at/in 在……方面有才能I’ve been told that he is talented in music.我听说他在音乐方面有天分have a talent for 在……方面有天赋。

show a talent for 展现出……方面的天赋show talent in 在……展现天分n.+-edadj.gifted 有天赋的;skilled 有技能的4. stage design 舞台设计

stage n.舞台;讲台;阶段growth stage 成长期;成长阶段take the stage 登台表演set the stage for 为……做好准备表示抽象的地点时,定语从句常用where引导。

The child is at the stage where she can say individual words but not full sentences.这个孩子正处于能说单个单词而不能说完整句子的阶段。

5. What types of art are you into?你喜欢什么类型的艺术?be into 喜欢(比较口语化)be into (doing) sth 喜欢(做)某事He is into sharing his ideas with us students.他喜欢和我们学生分享他的想法。

I’m really into pop music.我真的很喜欢流行音乐6. The best artists know what to leave out.最好的艺术家懂得省略什么1) leave out 省去,遗漏。

You left out a “c” in “satisfaction” just now.你刚才在“满意”一词里漏掉了一个“c”leave out还可表示抽象意义,意为“忽略”,指心理上感到受了冷落此时常用be/feel left。

out来表示He hadn’t been asked to the party and was feeling left out.他未被邀请参加聚会,感到受了冷落2) what to leave out是“疑问词+不定式”结构。

该结构相当于一个由疑问词引导的名词性从句,在句中可作主语、宾语和表语,不能作状语When and where to hold the meeting has not been decided yet.何时何地开会还没有决定。

可用于该结构的疑问代词有who, whom, what, which,疑问副词有when, where, how,连接词whether常接该结构的动词:know, see, decide, tell, ask, consider, explain, wonder等。

What I want to know is where to buy this kind of product.我想知道的是在哪可以买到这种产品He told us whether to have a picnic was still under discussion.。

他告诉我们是否去野餐还在讨论中7. Pablo Picasso(1881-1973), a Spanish painter who is widely considered to be one of the most。

important artists of the 20th century.毕加索(1881-1973),西班牙画家,被普遍认为是二十世纪最重要的艺术家之一be considered to be/as …(把某人)看作……;(被)认为。

For many years, the 4 minute mile was considered to be an impossible feat.多年来,4分钟一英里被认为是一项不可能完成的壮举拓展:。

consider doing sth 考虑做某事I am considering going to the exhibition.我正在考虑去参观展览会consider sb/sth to be +n./adj.认为某人/物是……,该结构中的to be可以省略,构成特殊句式。

如:I consider your performance perfect.我认为你的演出很完美8. a thin figure 一个瘦弱身影figure n.人像;人物;数字;身材;插图historical figure 历史人物。

a colourful character/figure 有趣的人物keep one’s figure 保持身材lose one’s figure 破坏身材figure v.认为;相信;计算figure out 算出;弄清楚

figure in 把……列入计算9. His unusual use of colour has led experts to think that Van Gogh’s mental illness may have

affected his sense of sight.凡高对色彩的运用很不寻常,专家们认为精神疾病可能影响了他的视力1) lead sb to do sth 引导某人做某事He will lead the students to perform the experiment.他将带领学生做实验。

lead to 导致;通向(to为介词)All roads lead to Rome.条条大道通罗马2) affect vt.影响;(感情上)深深打动,使悲伤(或怜悯等);(疾病)浸袭,使感染be affected by heat/cold 中暑/着凉。

be affected with a high fever 发高烧be greatly/deeply affected 很/深受感动The audience were deeply affected by his uplifting speech.

听众被他振奋人心的演讲深深地打动了拓展:have an effect on…对……产生影响take effect 生效;奏效come into effect 生效;实行side effect 副作用in effect 事实上

The new law has come into effect; surely it will have an effect on the industry of the country.新法律已经生效;它肯定会对这个国家的工业产生影响。

3) may have affected是“情态动词+have done”结构,表推测“情态动词+have done”的用法:表示对过去发生事情的推测虚拟语气(本应……而没有……)Mr. Smith can’t have gone to Beijing, for I saw him in the library just now.(不可能已经做了)。

史密斯先生不可能去北京了,因为我刚才在图书馆看见他了You should have arrived there on time, but you were late again.(本该做但事实上未做)你应该准时到达那里,但是你又迟到了。

You needn’t have bought so much wine-only five people came.(本不需要但事实上做了)你没必要买那么多酒——只来了五个人It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.(一定已经做了)。

昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面是湿的10. He also thought The Starry Night was a failure.他还认为《星空》是一幅失败的作品failure n.[C]失败的人或事;。

[U]衰竭;失败;故障failure作“失败”讲时为抽象名词,是不可数名词;但作“失败的人或事”讲时,是可数名词(抽象名词具体化),a failure 一个失败的人或一件失败的事I don’t think I’m a failure, for failure is the mother of success.

我不认为我是一个失败者,因为失败是成功之母拓展:v. fail 失败;不及格;(健康、视力、记忆力)衰退fail to do sth 未能做某事fail in sth 在某事中失败She failed to recover her health.她没能恢复健康。

I’m afraid I will fail in the exam this time.我恐怕这次考试不会及格11. However, the fact remains that The Starry Night is now one of the world’s most famous。

paintings.而现在,《星空》是世界上最著名的画作之一the fact remains that…事实是……,在本句中,that引导同位语从句,解释说明the fact的具体内容为避免头重脚轻,that从句放到了谓语remains 的后面。

that在从句中不作成分,没有意义,但不能省略12. What makes it striking is that it shows a thin figure with an expression of fear—the figure’s

mouth is wide open and letting out a powerful scream.这幅画富有冲击力,画中有一个表情恐惧的瘦弱身影——嘴巴大张,正发出强烈的尖叫声What makes it striking是主语从句,what在从句中作主语;that it shows…在系动词is后。

面,是表语从句,that不可省略1) let out 释放,放……出去;发出(叫喊等);放宽,放大(衣服等)发出尖叫声 let out a screamJenny was careless to let out the secret.珍妮粗心地泄露了秘密。

let相关短语:let alone 更不用说let sb alone 不干扰某人let sb in 让某人进来let sth down 把某物放下来let sb down 使某人失望2)名词性从句名词性从句是在句中起名词作用的句子。

每个名词从句至少有一个主语和谓语名词从句是从属性句子,在句中作主语、宾语、表语或同位语一、引导名词性从句的引导词是:a.连接词 that, whether, if (不作成分)b.连接代词 what, who, whom, which, whichever, whoever, whatever (作主语、宾语、表语。

或定语)c.连接副词 where, when, why, how (作状语)二、what和that引导名词性从句的区别:what在从句中作主语、表语、宾语等;that在从句中不充当成分,也无具体意思,只起连

词符号作用,在宾语从句中常省略What I want to stress is that our group is looking for new members right now.我想强调的是,我们小组现在正在寻找新成员。

三、名词性从句作主语What I feel like doing most now is going out for a drive.我现在最想做的事就是开车出去兜风Whether he’ll take the job is still unknown.他是否接受这项工作还不知道。

Where they’ll move their office to is not clear.他们将把办公室搬到哪里还不清楚When he’ll leave for New York hasn’t been decided.他什么时候动身去纽约还没有决定。

it作形式主语的常见句型:It+be+形容词(necessary/likely/…)+that从句.It+be+名词(短语)(a pity/a shame/…)+that从句.It+be+过去分词(said/told/…)+that从句

It+不及物动词(seem/appear/…)+that从句.It’s a shame that he doesn’t respect his parents.他不尊重他的父母,真遗憾It matters greatly whether our parents understand and support you.。


种时态(从句内容为真理或客观事实时,须用一般现在时)Our fathers said that practice makes perfect.我们的父辈们说,熟能生巧3) it 作形式宾语的常用句型动词(find/feel/think/consider/make)+it +宾补(形容词或名词)+不定式/从句

动词(hate/like/dislike/appreciate/enjoy)+it +从句短语动词(see to/depend on/rely on)+it +从句I’d appreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.

注意:1) that引导宾语从句时,常可省略,但是仅限第一个that宾语从句,后面并列的that不能省略Mr. smith told the workers (that) John had worked very hard and that he wanted him stay.。

史密斯先生告诉工人们约翰工作很努力,他希望他留下来2)一般情况下介词后只能用wh-类连接词引导宾语从句介词后的宾语从句连接词表示“是否”时,用whether,不用ifWe are talking about whether we admit students into our club.。

我们正在讨论是否允许学生加入我们的俱乐部五、名词性从句作表语1)跟在系动词后面的从句被称为表语从句That’s what we should do.那是我们应该做的2) as if/as though “好像,仿佛”,引导表语从句时,常跟在系动词seem, appear, look, taste,。

sound, feel, smell等之后若表语从句所述是不真实的情况,从句用虚拟语气;若所述是事实或极可能发生的情况,从句用陈述语气The clouds are gathering. It looks as if it is going to rain.云在聚集。

看起来要下雨了3) because, why引导表语从句This/That is why…这/那是……的原因This/That is because …这/那是因为……That is why he was late for school.那就是他上学迟到的原因。

He failed. That is because he didn’t work hard.他失败了,那是因为他没有努力工作注意:if不能引导表语从句that引导表语从句时不能省略His suggestion is that we should hire more experienced people.。

他的建议是我们应该雇用更有经验的人六、名词性从句作同位语同位语从句位于某些表示抽象概念的名词后面,用来说明该名词的具体内容常见名词:advice, conclusion, doubt, fact, hope, idea, news, suggestion, thought, truth, wish,。

word, news等常用引导词:that, whether, how, where, when, why等The news that we won the game pleased us all.我们赢得比赛的消息使我们大家都很高兴。

注意:that引导同位语从句时,在从句中不充当任何句子成分,但不能省略We heard the news that our team had won.我们听到消息说我们队赢了that引导定语从句时,既起引导词的作用,又在从句中充当句子成分,在定语从句中作。

宾语时that常可以省略,先行词指物时可用which替换The bag that lies on the ground is hers.地上的那个包是她的13.“I was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly the sky turned as。

red as blood … I stood there shaking.…”“太阳落山时,我和两个朋友一起走在路上;天空突然变得像血一样红……我站在那里颤抖……”as…as…基本意思为“与……一样”,其中第一个as为副词,其后通常接形容词或副词

原形,第二个as可用作介词(后接名词或代词)或连词(后接从句)例句:You’ve made as many mistakes as I have.你和我犯了一样多的错误Your room is as large as mine.你的房间和我的一样大。

14. Many experts say that The Scream is connected to Munch’s mental health problems, whichcaused him a lot of pain.许多专家说,《呐喊》与给蒙克带来巨大痛苦的心理健康问题有

关cause vt.造成,导致 n.事业,理想;原因cause sb sth 给某人带来某事cause sb to do sth 导致/致使某人做某事In effect, loss of sleep can make you look tired, and even cause you to gain weight.。

事实上,睡眠不足会让你看起来很疲惫,甚至会导致体重增加the great cause 伟大的事业cause and effect 因果(关系)the cause of ……的原因The cause of her death is still unknown.关于其死亡的原因至今还未知晓。

have cause to do sth 有理由做某事I don’t think you have cause to worry.我认为你没有担心的理由15. Between 1953 and 1954, he painted the same scene 27 times.1953年至1954年间,同样的场。

景他画了27次scene n.景色;情景,场景,场面辨析:scene, scenery, view 与sightscene是scenery的一部分,多包括其中的人物及活动He photographed a wide range of street scenes.他拍摄了大量的街景。

scenery指某一国家或地区总的自然景色The beautiful scenery in the mountain attracted all of us.山上美丽的风景吸引了我们所有人view指从远处或高处看到的景色。

The view from the top of the tower was spectacular.从塔顶远眺景色蔚为壮观sight指旅游风光,包括城市景色或自然风光As he reached the front door, Jack saw a strange sight.。

当他走到前门时,杰克看到了一个奇怪的景象16. It shows a beautiful house lit by lights from inside, surrounded by the darkness of night.画中。

有一座美丽的房子,房子里灯光明亮,外面被夜晚的黑暗包围lit by lights from inside和surrounded by the darkness of night分别都是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰house,house与 light、surround之间都是被动关系。

过去分词作定语1)及物动词的过去分词含有被动或动作完成的意义,被修饰的名词在逻辑上相当于被动句中的主语,如:the damaged cup=the cup is damaged2)单个的过去分词一般作前置定语;过去分词短语则常作后置定语,相当于一个定语从。

句;I borrowed a book written by Mark Twain (which was written by Mark Twain) from thelibrary.我从图书馆借了一本马克吐温写的书。

3)不及物动词的过去分词没有被动意义,只表示动作的完成状态They are cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard.他们正在打扫院子里的落叶17. As for Magritte himself, he thought that the change between day and night in the paintings was。

surprising.马格利特本人认为画作中白天和黑夜之间的变化令人惊讶as for 至于,关于;说起as for me=in my opinion=in my view =personally=as far as I’m concerned 在我看来。

As for me, people should live peacefully.在我看来,人们应该和平共处18. Do they have anything in common?它们有任何共同点吗?have… in common (with)(和)……有共同之处

My views have much in common with hers.我的观点和她的有很多相同之处I have nothing in common with Jack.我和杰克毫无共同之处in common (with)(与……)相同,一样

In common with his brother, Tom likes playing basketball.和他的兄弟一样,汤姆喜欢打篮球have something/nothing to do with 与……有关/无关。

I think my job has nothing to do with you, so you’d better keep silent.我认为我的工作与你无关,所以你最好保持沉默19. It is hard to believe that Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime.很难相信凡高。

在有生之年仅仅卖了一幅画It is adj.+ to do/that…为了平衡句子结构,it常作形式主语或形式宾语,后面的不定式或that从句作真正的主语或宾语It is hard to get along well with him.很难和他相处好。

I find it is not difficult to learn English well.我发现学好英语并不难有些结构必须用动名词:It is no use/good/a waste of time doing sth 做某事没有用处/好处/浪费时间。

It’s no use doing a lot of work without thoughtful planning.没有周密的计划做大量的工作是没有用的注意两个结构的区别:It is adj.+of sb +to do sth 中的adj.用来形容sb,表示某人这么做真是太adj.了。

如:nice,kind, clever等It’s nice of her to help the poor boy.她帮助那个可怜的男孩真是太好了It is adj.+for sb +to do sth 中的adj.跟do sth有关,表示做某事对某人太adj.了。

It is good for people to go for a walk after supper.人们晚饭后去散步是有益的。


