
wufei123 发布于 2023-11-17 阅读(499)

首先,小编有个问题问您:何谓 BuzzWord? 定义如下:A BuzzWord is a word or expression that has become fashionable in a particular field and is being used a lot by the media.


Selfie  自拍

A selfieis a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a digital camera which may be held in the hand or supported by a

selfie stick. Selfies are often shared on social networking services such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


Facepalm 捂脸

The action of placing your hand flat across your face in order to show that you are frustrated or embarrassed

about something. Non-verbal communication can convey our feelings far more effectively than words.把手平放在脸上,以示对某事感到

沮丧或尴尬的动作。 非语言交流能比语言更为有效的传达我们的感受。

slow food  慢食(运动)

Food which is carefully prepared using traditional cooking methods and organic ingredients, and is intended to be eaten and enjoyed slowly for maximum benefit.

是指使用传统烹饪方法和有机食材精心备制,意图是让食者慢慢享用,从而得到最大的益处The Slow Food Movement is an attempt to resist the encroachment of。

fast food and the ensuing homogenisation and globalisation of food production. Fast food is viewed as

a threat to gastronomic individuality: ingredients, production, preparation and consumption of food should all relate to individual cultures and personal pleasure.



It is something that a younger person gives to an older person because they no longer use it or they have something better to replace it. The

mobile phone boom has been a major contributor to the hand-me-up phenomenon – parents are often the recipients of their childrens

cast-off phones, and are being educated in how to use them by their children.是指年轻人给年长者的东西,通常这些东西都是年轻人不再使用,或是已经有了更好的替代品了。


 deep learning深度学习 

It is a form of machine learning (= a process in which computers formulate problem-solving strategies by learning from large amounts of data) . Deep learning, a branch of

artificial intelligence inspired by the structure of the human brain, has made enormous strides in giving machines the ability to

intuit the physical world.深度学习是机器学习的一种形式(计算机通过学习大量数据来制定解决问题策略的处理程序)深度学习受到了人脑结构的启发,作为人工智能的一个分支,在赋予机器凭直觉理解


FOMO  社交控

FOMOis short for “fear of missing out”. This social anxiety is characterized by "a desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing". FOMO is also defined as a fear of regret that one might miss an opportunity for 

social interaction, a novel experience, profitable investment or other satisfying events.FOMO是“fear of missing out”的简称,直译为 “



It is the joy of missing out: a feeling of pleasure you get from spending time doing what you want and not worrying about what other people are doing or saying. The

existence of expressions like JOMO suggest that, although were unlikely to resist technology completely, the more deeply we become

immersed in it, the more were beginning to evaluate its hold on us.错失社交的乐趣,指把时间花在做你想做的事情上,而不去担心别人在做什么或在说什么,从而得到的一种愉悦快乐的感觉。


digital native & digital immigrants数字原生代和数字移民

“Digital native”refers to a person who has grown up in a world with digital technology such as the Internet and mobile phones.


“Digital immigrant” refer to someone who has not grown up using technology such as the Internet and mobile phones but has learned to use it later in life

数字移民指没有在使用互联网和手机等科技中长大,但在以后的生活中学会使用这些技术的人Do you find it impossible to visualize a world where you couldnt send a 。

quick text, google a recipe, or buy a washing machine from the comfort of your own home? Or do you, like me, remember the days when you desperately needed to make a call and couldnt find a

phone box, when you needed to spend an entire day visiting electrical stores to decide on a washing machine purchase? If you

fit into the former category, then youre a digital native. And the rest of us? We are the digital immigrants




