word的中文是什么意思啊英语(学乐每日单词阶梯游戏练习 Scholastic Daily Word Ladders 1-6)

wufei123 发布于 2023-11-17 阅读(500)



说到记英文单词,很多人都是满眼辛酸泪,对现在的孩子来说,这仍然是个“老大难”问题,我们一直想找一套比较轻松有趣的单词学习书,避免死记硬背的老套路当我看到这套Daily Word Ladders,还真是眼前一亮,形式特别简单,根据提示,在前一个单词的基础上替换字母,得到一个新的单词,这样一层层往上爬,像做游戏一样。


普遍的问题:孩子通过大量阅读原版书有一些词汇积累了,随便测测都有超多一千的词汇量,但是感觉孩子掌握的还是不牢,主要表现在单词拼不出来,更不会灵活运用这套Daily Word Ladders 由美国大学语言教授Timothy Rasinski 编写,他平时的重点研究对象就是年纪比较小的孩子,尤其是因为词汇问题,有阅读障碍的孩子。

这套书看起来简单,但其实在编写上是很讲究的Rasinski 教授希望通过这套书提升孩子三个方面的词汇能力:1、单词发音When student add or rearrange letters to make a new word from one they have just made, they must examine sound-symbol relationships closely.

2、单词拼写This is just the kind of analysis that all children need to do in order to learn how to decode and spell accurately. 

3、单词意思And when the puzzle adds a bit of meaning in the form of a definition, it helps extend students understanding of words and concepts.

玩词汇游戏的过程中,对于学词的帮助:1、学会“拆解”单词,知道单词怎么读国外孩子学英语发音主要通过Phonics 自然拼读Phonics,是英语中自然形成的一种发音规则,主要教授英文字母 (letter) 与语音(sound) 间的对应关系。

研究表明,英语中大约70%的单词在拼读时都是有规律可循的,一旦掌握了发音规则,遇到生词,不用查词典就能顺利读出、读对孩子学习自然拼读规则后,遇到生词就需要去拆解它的结构,然后拼出来,就像我们看到汉语拼音里的 sheng,我们会把它分解成sh-eng,然后再读出来。

2、长得差不多的单词放在一起学,有效提升词汇量,同时避免混淆美国小孩学词,通常要熟悉词汇之间的“亲戚”关系,知道哪些词儿读音一样,哪些词儿长得像,哪些词儿特别容易搞错 ... 总之,不要孤立地一个个去学,要“关联”着去学 - try to make the connection!


作者介绍:Timothy Rasinski is a professor of literacy education at Kent State University. He has written over 200 articles and has authored, co-authored or edited over 50 books or curriculum programs on reading education. He is author of the best-selling book on reading fluency entitled The Fluent Reader, published by Scholastic, and co-author of the award-winning fluency program called Fluency First, published by the Wright Group. His scholarly interests include reading fluency and word study, reading in the elementary and middle grades, and readers who struggle. His research on reading has been cited by the National Reading Panel and has been published in journals such as Reading Research Quarterly, The Reading Teacher, Reading Psychology, and the Journal of Educational Research. Tim recently served a three-year term on the Board of Directors of the International Reading Association and from 1992 to 1999, he was co-editor of The Reading Teacher, the world’s most widely read journal of literacy education. He has also served as co-editor of the Journal of Literacy Research. Rasinski is past-president of the College Reading Association and has won the A. B. Herr and Laureate Awards from the College Reading Association for his scholarly contributions to literacy education. 

Prior to coming to Kent State Tim taught literacy education at the University of Georgia. He taught for several years as an elementary and middle school classroom and Title I teacher in Nebraska.








