wordbywordpicturedictionary资源(Word by Word: A Daily Etymology Adventure - Day 7 - Universal)

wufei123 发布于 2023-11-17 阅读(530)

周末去了环球,聊聊universal这个单词吧The word "universal" comes from late 14c., "pertaining to the whole of something specified; occurring everywhere," from Old French universel "general, universal" (12c.), from Latin universalis "of or belonging to all," from universus "all together, whole, entire" (see universe). 。

The word originally referred to something that was all-encompassing or inclusive of everything.Here are some other words that are related to "uni-":

Universe: the totality of all known or supposed objects and phenomena throughout space; everything that exists or is known to exist

Unify: to bring together or combine disparate elements into a single whole or entityUniform: having the same form, appearance, or structure throughout; consistent or standardized

Unison: simultaneous performance or utterance of sound by two or more people; harmony or agreement between multiple parties

Unitary: characterized by or relating to a system or structure in which all components are integrated into a single unit or entity

University: The word university is derived from the Latin universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means "community of teachers and scholars"

Unilateral: involving only one side or party; one-sided or unbalancedUnique: being the only one of its kind; singular or distinctive

Unity: the state of being united or joined as a whole; the quality of being one or undividedUnisex: designed or suitable for both sexes; not specifically or exclusively male or female

University: an institution of higher education that typically offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a variety of academic disciplines

“universal”一词源自14世纪晚期,“指定事物的全部范围; 到处都发生”,源自12世纪的古法语“universel”,源自拉丁语“universalis”,意为“所有人的或属于所有人的”,源自“universus”,意为“全体、整体、全部”(见universe)。



University:大学一词源于拉丁语“universitas magistrorum et scholarium”,大致意思是“教师和学者的社区”Unilateral:仅涉及一方或一方;单方面或不平衡的



