
wufei123 发布于 2023-11-20 阅读(412)

“新闻”(news)其中N代表north 北,E代表east 东,W代表west 西,S代表south 南这也就意味着新闻是来自东南西北、四面八方的消息​例句:News is anything that makes you say “Gee, whiz!”。

新闻是任何能使你惊叫“哎呦”的事物Dogs biting man is no news; man biting dog is news.狗咬人不是新闻,人咬狗才是新闻No news is good news.。


cub reporter“小狼”,即学徒记者例句:He had been a cub reporter for the Kansas City Star.他曾是《堪萨斯城市星报》的一名实习记者by-line。

署名,即新闻杂志标题下的作者署名例句:I cant give you a raise, but I can let you have a by-line.我不能给你加薪,但我可以让你署个名。

the press报业的统称,源于“印字机” printing press常用短语1. Freedom of the press 出版自由2. Ladies and gentlemen of the press... 各位报界女士们、先生们...。

例句:The British press is full of articles on the election results.英国的报纸上登满了关于选举结果的文章coverage采访新闻是“to gather news”,而业内人士将其称为“to cover a story”。

而coverage 通常也与新闻采访或报道有关例句:His first job on the Times was to cover sports.他在《时报》最初的任务是采访体育新闻The Wall Street Journal has complete financial news coverage.。

《华尔街日报》有详尽的财经新闻报道breakbreak是指顷刻间爆发,实现不能预料的新闻例句:When news of her suicide broke, her husband was in Europe.。

她自杀的消息爆出时,她的丈夫还在欧洲。Please break the news to her gently.请你小心地把这个消息告诉她。


