word by word是什么词性(英语词汇知识:火龙果的英文单词来历)

wufei123 发布于 2023-11-23 阅读(444)

火龙果的英语单词有两个,分别是dragon fruit和pitaya这两个词都是从西班牙语或葡萄牙语中借用的,因为火龙果原产于中美洲和南美洲北部,那里的语言主要是西班牙语和葡萄牙语 dragon fruit这个词是因为火龙果的外形像龙鳞而得名的,而pitaya这个词则是源自于印第安人的语言,意思是“多刺的果实”。

Dragon fruit and pitaya are two English words for the same fruit. Both words are borrowed from Spanish or Portuguese because the dragon fruit is native to Central and Northern South America where the main languages are Spanish and Portuguese. The word "dragon fruit" comes from the fruits resemblance to dragon scales, while "pitaya" comes from an indigenous language meaning "spiky fruit".



火龙果的栽培历史很久远,最早是由印第安人在墨西哥和中美洲地区栽培的火龙果在越南非常流行,越南人把它当作一种吉祥的水果,在新年或特殊场合送给亲朋好友Dragon fruit is native to Central and North America and is the fruit of the genus Hylocereus in the cactus family. The flower of the dragon fruit only blooms at night, so it is also known as the night-blooming cereus or moonflower. There are two common varieties of dragon fruit: one with red skin and white flesh, and the other with red skin and red flesh. There is also a less common variety with yellow skin and white flesh. Dragon fruit is rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C, and minerals, which are beneficial for digestion, blood sugar control, blood pressure reduction, and beauty. The red pigment in dragon fruit is a natural pigment called anthocyanin, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anti-cancer effects. Dragon fruit can be eaten directly by cutting it open, or it can be juiced, made into salads, or used in ice cream. Dragon fruit seeds are edible and contain unsaturated fatty acids and protein, which are beneficial for heart health. Dragon fruit can be propagated by cuttings or grafting, usually in the spring. Dragon fruit has a long history of cultivation and was first grown by indigenous people in Mexico and Central America. Dragon fruit is very popular in Vietnam, where it is considered a lucky fruit and is often given to friends and family during the New Year or special occasions.。


