word excel wps的区别(doc和docx文档有什么区别)

wufei123 发布于 2023-12-02 阅读(485)



docx是Microsoft Office2007之后Word的文件扩展名2007(也有介绍是2009年,我按照时间推算觉得07年更准确)这年微软将文档格式从私有协议转成了开放,所以docx是doc格式“升级版”。

它只多了个“X”但是差距太大了,他还假装自己是个文档,但实际上docx 格式的文件本质上是一个ZIP文件,是的,你没有看错你可以尝试将docx文件修改下扩展名为zip,并且使用解压缩文件工具打开,你会发现他本来的“面貌”。



微软官方声明:Microsoft recognizes that in an increasingly interconnected computing landscape, enabling interoperability between products from different vendors has become more important than ever. Spurred in part by the standards-based nature of the Internet, the computing industry has made great strides toward achieving effective interoperability between a wide range of products to meet customer needs. But customers are demanding more from all software companies.

For its part, Microsoft recognizes the important responsibilities that it bears by virtue of the mission-critical use of its products by customers worldwide on a daily basis. Certain Microsoft products (Windows Vista including the .NET Framework, Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008, Office 2007, Exchange 2007, and Office SharePoint Server 2007, and future versions of these products, referred to in this document as "high-volume products") have become so central to operational continuity of customers’ businesses that interoperability and data portability solutions are more valued than ever.





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