word by word是什么意思中文翻译(“一字一句地”要怎么讲?)

wufei123 发布于 2023-12-04 阅读(544)

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BGM:The Chainsmokers&Coldplay--Something just like this

词汇表达word by word逐字逐句地


Its meaningless to translate the sentence word by word.这个句子如果逐字翻译就没有意义了。


A: I just cant get this thing to work. I looked at the instructions a couple of times but I’m not having any luck whatsoever.

A: 我就是怎么都不能让这玩意儿运行起来我已经看了好几遍说明书了,但是无论怎样都不行B: Let me help. I will go through the instructions word by word。

 and you perform the actions.B: 我来帮你我要一字一句的读这个说明书,然后你来操作A: Could take a long time but having you carefully read as I put the thing together might work.。

A: 可能会花不少时间,但是有你在旁边认真的读说明,加上我来进行操作,兴许能成今日翻译他在第三次尝试的时候终于逐字逐句地遵循了食谱大家可以把自己的翻译分享到留言区哦~【参考答案见明日文章】【昨日翻译参考答案】。

Thats the meat and potatoes of running a company.那是运营一家公司最基础最核心的部分。

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