
wufei123 发布于 2023-12-09 阅读(414)



那么,我们把这三种情况的人或物称之为主语例如:我在街上碰见了汤姆(“我”就是动作“碰见”的执行者,“我”就是主语)汉译英:I met Tom in the street.二、主语的分类(一)施事主语:主语在句子中是动作行为的执行者。

例如:大家要积极参加学校活动(“大家”是主语)Hehas refused (谓语)to help them.He admits(谓语) that he was mistaken.(He就是动作行为的执行者,即主语)。


特别注意,所有的主语一定是动作的承受者,即被针对的对象)Dinosaur eggswere laid(谓语) long long ago.Many man-made satellites have been sent up(谓语) into space by many countries.

A new hospitalwill be built (谓语)in our city.Your mistakesshould be corrected(谓语) right now.Treesare being planted (谓语)over there by them.


小明十六岁了(“小明”是主语,是被说明的对象)北京是祖国的心脏(“北京”是主语,是被判断的对象)She is(连系动词) a teacher.(She 是被判断的对象)This appleis(连系动词) red .(This apple是被描写的对象)。

The water in the bottleis(连系动词) clean.(The water是被描写的对象)三、主语对谓语的影响在汉语中,主语对谓语拼写形式没有任何的影响也就是说不管主语是什么形式,汉语的谓语动词在书写上不会有任何的变化。





3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i,再加-esfly-fliesstudy-studies4.不规则变化have——hasbe——am/is/are【例句】Truthspeaks in a language that is simple and direct.。

真理用简单明快的语言说话Opportunities donot wait.机会不等人Painted pictures are silent speakers.绘画是无声的语言Patience, time and money overcomeeverything.。


(一)用并列连词and连接多个主语,有以下几点:1)如果主语有两个以上的名词组成,由and, both…and 连接两个名词做主语,就相当于汉语中的“和”,这时主语一般要看作复数Both bread and butterwere served (谓语)for breakfast in this hotel.。


当and连接两个不可数名词表示一个整体概念时,主语视为单数常见的有:bread and butter(奶油面包;基本生活工资),butter and cheese(奶油)Bread and butter is a daily food in the west.。

误:The bread and butter are his favorite food.正:The bread and butter is his favorite food.由each…and each…,every…and every…,no…and no…, many a… and many a…连接名词作主语,这时整个主语要看作单数。

Each man and each womanhas (谓语)a chance to be raised in our company.每位男士和女士都有机会在我们公司成长No boy and no girl doesn’t go(谓语) to school at the age of seven in this village.。

在这个村子里,没有一个男孩和女孩在七岁时不去上学2)如果主语只有一个不可数名词,但名词前有多个修饰语时,由and 连接的前置并列修饰语+不可数名词做主语,这时主语一般要看作复数Good and bad meatin the marketare sold out(谓语).。


The professor and writerhas published(谓语)a few new books on radio.这位教授作家已经出版了几本关于无线电的书The tenth and last chapteris written(谓语)by a young man.。

第十章也是最后一章是一个年轻人写的Acartandhorsewasseeninthedistance.远处看见一辆马车类似的还有:a knife and fork(刀叉), a needle and thread(针线)做主语是单数。

区分:The professor and the writerhave published(谓语)a few new books on radio.教授和作家已经分别出版了几本关于无线电的书4)如果主语是两个句子时,由and连接两个从句做主语。

When we will start and where we will gohave not been decided(谓语).我们什么时候出发,去哪里还没有决定What he says and what he thinks have(谓语)nothing to do with me.。

他所说的和他所想的与我无关注意:What I say and dois my own affair.6)由and 连接的两个疑问代词、不定式、动名词作主语Swimming and runningare(连系动词)my favourite sports.。

游泳和跑步是我最喜欢的运动To play basketball and to go swimmingare(连系动词)useful for character-training.打篮球和游泳对性格塑造很有用。

注意:When and where to build the new factoryhas not been decided yet(谓语).何时何地建造新工厂还没有决定(二)根据句意,用连词or, either…or, not…but, neither…nor, not only…but also,。

Either you or Iam(连系动词)wrong.不是你错就是我错Neither he nor Iam(连系动词)well-educated.他和我都没有受到良好教育Not only you but also shehas to attend(谓语)the meeting.不只是你,她也必须参加会议。

(三)主语+附加成分(介宾短语)with, except, as well as, no less than, rather than, more than, over, besides, together with, like, including, in addition to等连接的名词做主语。

注意:介词后的主语不是主语,只是一个附加成分,所以对谓语产生影响的是介词短语前面的名词或词组The man with hs daughters and sonsis watching(谓语) TV.The girlsas well as the teacherare dancing(谓语).

E-mail, as well as telephones,plays (谓语)an important role in our daily life.A library with five thousand booksis offered (谓语)to the nation as a gift.

五、主语的位置一般情况下一个句子的主语是位于句首,但是由于表达的需要,主语的位置会发生变化,有时在句中或者句末下面就把主语的位置情况分为三大类来讲解:(一)在陈述句中的位置问题,主语一般位于句首This bookis(连系动词)very interesting。

His girl friendis(连系动词)very kind.【注意】一个句子是由主、谓、宾、定、状、补组成,有些时候状语也会提到句首而导致主语不在句首的情况例如:Last September(时间状语), Jackcame(谓语)here.。

From this university(地点状语), Tomlearned(谓语)much more.(二)在疑问句中主语的位置1.特殊疑问句中的主语位置问题(1)在特殊疑问句中,当特殊疑问词是对主语提问时,那么特殊疑问词代替执行主语。

Who is the monitor? What made her cry?(2)在特殊疑问句中,当特殊疑问词是对除了主语意外的其他成分提问时,那么主语位于助动词、情态动词、be动词之后(he就是句子的主语)。

What colordoeshe like best?(助动词)2.在一般疑问句中的位置在一般疑问句中,主语在助动词(operator)如:do, have, will 以后例如:(you就是句子的主语)。

Haveyoubeen there before?(助动词)以上各句主语的位置都是由助动词+主语(have+you, do+you)构成的(三)在感叹句中的位置感叹句分为两种:带谓语和不带谓语的感叹句不带谓语的感叹句,一般情况下主语和谓语一同省略,主要原因是当事双方在具体的语境中谈论共同话题时采用的表达方式,故而把双方都知道的部分省略,为了表达简洁明了。

如:How beautiful!带谓语的感叹句,其主语的位置用结构示意图表示:How+adj./adv.+主语+谓语!What a(n)+adj.+名词(单数)+主语+谓语!What adj.+名词(复数)+主语+谓语!

What adj.+名词(不可数)+主语+谓语!What a kind lady she is!Howhard he works!(四)在祈使句中的位置通常情况下,祈使句中的主语you被省略,由此表现为直接以动词原形开头的句子结构表达形式。

而事实上在动词原形前面有一个逻辑主语you这样的句子结构主要是用来表达说话人强烈的情绪情感,对说话对象表达了命令、建议、请求、允诺、威胁等情感(You)Closethe door, please.(请关上门!,表示请求)

Get up early.(早点起床!表达建议或命令)Don’t do that again.(不要再那样做了!表达建议或命令)3.倒装句中的主语位置英语句子的倒装一是由于语法结构的需要而进行的倒装,二是由于修辞的需要而进行的倒装。


下面所举的例子请同学们注意主语的位置,主语部分就是加粗黑体字1. There be句型属于完全倒装,主语在be动词之后:(1) There +系动词be +主语There were(连系动词)a lot of peoplein the park last Sunday .

(2) There +系动词seem / remain +主语There seems (to be)(连系动词)no pointin waiting for him .(3) There + vi.(live,stand,lie,exist,happen,appear ,etc.)+主语

There lived(谓语)an old manin this old house 3 years ago .2.表示地点方向的副词放在句首时,主谓完全倒装,主语在实义动词之后:(1)句型:地点方向副词+ vi.(come,go,rush,fly,run,fall,etc.)+主语

Out rushed(谓语)the childrenas soon as the bell rang .Look ! Here comes(谓语)the bus.(2)如果主语是人称代词,那么主谓不倒装。

Here youare .(3)注意:这种倒装句只能使用一般现在时或一般过去时,不能用其他时态3.有些时间副词(now,then,often,etc.)在句首时,有时也用倒装语序,主语在时间副词之后They all failed . Now comes(谓语)your chance.

My uncle drank some cold water . Then came(谓语)a smell of sulphur(硫;硫磺).4.表示地点方位的介词短语在句首时,主谓常倒装,主语在时间副词之后。

句型:介词短语+ vi.(lie,come,run,sit,stand,appear,etc.)+主语In front of my house stands (谓语)a big tree.(To the) South of the villagelies(谓语)a beautiful lake.

5.为了强调或保持平衡,有时把表语(adj./ adv./ prep.短语/ 非谓语动词)提到句首,主语和系动词要倒装(表语+be 主语)Present at the meeting are(连系动词)studentswho are very interested in music but not good at it .。

Waiting(谓语) outside isa customerwho wants to see the manager .(进行时态的谓语形式)Caught (谓语)in the traffic accident were14 students and their teacher.

(被动语态的谓语形式)6. Such开头的句子,主语在be动词之后:Such is(连系动词)Lily , a kind and diligent girl(同位语).Such is(连系动词)the influence of TVthat it can make a person famous overnight .

7.祝愿句: Long live …!(…万岁!)主语在动词live之后:Long live(谓语)peace! Long live(谓语)the People’s Republic of China !

和平万岁!中华人民共和国万岁!(二)部分倒装变化规则:把句子的be /助动词/情态动词提到主语的前面而构成,类似于把肯定句变成一般疑问句即把(am/ is/ are/ was/ were/ do/ does/ did/ have/ has/ had/ can/ may/ must/ should等)提到主语的前面。

下面所举的例子请同学们注意主语的位置,主语部分就是加粗黑体字1. so开头的句子,表示前面所说的情况,另外一个人或物的情况也是如此1)常用句型:副词So + be /助动词/情态动词+主语(此结构表示“也”)。

【备注】be /助动词/情态动词=(am/ is/ are/ was/ were/ do/ does/ did/ have/ has/ had/ can/ may/ must/ should等)具体选用哪一个词取决于前一句。

如果前一句是be动词,so后面就用be动词;如果是情态动词,就直接选用相同的情态动词;如果是实义动词,就选用do/ does/ did;如果是完成时,就选用 have/ has/ had时态要与前一句保持一致,而人称和数与其后面的主语保持一致,主语在be /助动词/情态动词之后。

(实义动词,一般现在时,时态保持一致选用do)I like English .Sodoes(助动词)my sister .(我喜欢英语,我妹妹也喜欢)(关联性)(主语是单数,根据主谓一致原则,要把do变成does)。

(现在完成时,选用助动词have)I have been to France . Sohas(助动词)she.(我去过法国,她也去过)(关联性)(主语是单数,根据主谓一致原则,要把have变成has)Tom can swim .Socan (情态动词)Jack.(汤姆会游泳,杰克也会)

【备注】as也可以表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一人或物,结构为:Such + be /助动词/情态动词+主语(此结构表示“也”)Our eating habits have changed , as has(助动词) our way of life.

我们的饮食习惯已经改变了,我们的生活方式也改变了A better understanding of the environment is necessary ,asis(连系动词) the willingness to act.。

Neither / Nor开头的句子,表示前面所说的否定情况,另外一个人或物情况也是如此常用句型:Neither / Nor + be /助动词/情态动词+主语(此结构表示“也不”)We have never been abroad .Neither / Norhas(助动词)Li Ping.。

我们从来就没有出过国,李平也一样He is not good at music , andneitheram(连系动词be动词)I .他不擅长音乐,我也是【注意】如果前面提到两件事情,且谓语动词类型不同,或者一肯一否时,不能单独用so或 neither / nor,需要使用句型It is the same with…/ So it is with …。

He likes swimming and is good at skating . So it is with me .Tom likes maths but doesn’t like music . It is the same with his sister .

2)如果副词so开头的句子只是重复或赞同前面的内容,则不需要倒装--- It is very hot today .--- So it is .(表示赞同)--- Your son studies hard .--- So he does .(表示赞同)。

3.否定含义的副词或介词短语在句首时1)副词never , hardly , seldom , little , rarely , scarcely,nowhere 等在句首时Never beforehave(助动词)Iseen such a big monkey .。

Nowhere elsein the world can(情态动词)youenjoy such beautiful scenery .2) not once , not often , not ever , not a single 等在句首时。

Not oncehas (助动词)my brother been to Beijing .3)有些否定含义的介词短语,相当于never ,如果放在句首,主谓要倒装常见的有:in no way / case , by no means , at no time , on no account / condition , under no circumstances , etc.。

By no meanscan(情态动词)youlend Tom any money .4.有些否定含义的连词在句首时,主谓要倒装常见的有:nor , not only…but also…, not until …, hardly…when…, no sooner…than…。

Not onlyis(连系动词)hegood at English , but also he speaks French fluently .Hardly / No soonerhad(助动词)Tomarrived when / than his uncle telephoned him .

5. Only修饰副词,介词短语,状语从句在句首时Only later / thendid (助动词)the worldrecognize his greatness .Only by changing the waywe livecan(情态动词)wesave the earth .。

Only if you follow my advicewill(情态动词)yoube able to complete the project .【备注】:Only修饰主语时,主谓不倒装Only five studentshave finished(谓语)the homework on time .。

6.在so / such …that…引导的结果状语从句中,若把so / such…部分提到句首,则主句要倒装So shallow is (连系动词)the lake that no fish can live in it .。

Such a good studentis(连系动词)Li Pingthat he is often praised by the teachers .7. if引导的虚拟条件句中有were, had , should时,可以省去if ,再把were, had , should提到句首,变为倒装句。

Were(连系动词)I you (= If I were you), I would give an AIDS patient a hug .Had(助动词)youtold (= If you had told) him about the danger , he wouldn’t have been hurt .

Should(情态动词)a firebreak out (= If a fire should break out), please sound the alarm .【备注】如果if条件句是否定句,倒装时不能将not提前。

Had you not (= If you had not) lent Bob any money , nothing would have happened .Were it not for the rain (= If it were not for the rain), the crops would die .

8.祝愿句:May +主语+动词原形May(情态动词)yousucceed !(= Wish you success !)祝你成功!May(情态动词)the poor old man live happily !祝这个可怜的老人生活愉快!

(三)异常语序:有些句型中,要把某个成分提到句首,但主谓并不倒装1. as引导的让步状语从句:1) as从句中谓语为系表结构时,要把作表语的形容词或名词提到as前(若表语是单数可数名词,须省略a / an)。

Young asheis(连系动词),he has a good knowledge of medicine .Strange asit sounds(连系动词),it is very helpful .

2) as从句中谓语是实义动词+副词时,要把副词提到as前Hard as Li Ping works(谓语), he failed this exam .3) as从句中如果没有副词,就把实义动词提到as前。

Try(谓语) as hemight , he didn’t pass the test .Succeed(谓语)as they did , they had paid a lot .4)注意:连词though引导的从句可以和as从句一样,但也可不提前。

although的从句一定不能提前Fast though / ashe ran,hecouldn’t catch the bus .Although / Though he run fast,he couldn’t catch the bus .。

2. whatever / no matter what,however / no matter how 引导让步状语从句时,要和所修饰的名词或形容词、副词一起提到主语前However / No matter how poorhe himself is(连系动词), he often helps others .。

Whatever / No matter what reasonsyou have(谓语), you should come on time .However / No matter how much progressyou’ve made(谓语), you shouldn’t forget the help of your teachers and classmates .

3. The more…,the more…句型中,要把the more修饰的名词、形容词或副词一起提到句首The moreyou listen to English , the easier it becomes .。

The fewer mistakesyou make , the higher score you’ll get .The fartherawaythe feeding station is(连系动词), the slower the bees’ dance is .

4.感叹句中, what和how 感叹的名词、形容词或副词要提到主语前How important a meeting it is(连系动词)!What great funit is(连系动词) to go skating on real ice !。

What a silly mistakeyou have made !How quicklythat car runs !【修辞功能】(一)表示强调:倒装句最突出、最常见的修辞效果就是强调,其表现形式如下:

1. only +状语或状语从句置于句首,句子用部分倒装,强调后面的副词、介词短语和状语从句Only in this way canyou solve this problem.只有用这种方法,你才可以解决这个问题。

Only after he had spoken out the worddid he realize he had made a big mistake.只有当他已经说出那个字后才意识到自己犯了个大错误。

2. not, little, hardly, scarcely, no more, no longer, in no way, never, seldom, not only, no sooner等具有否定意义的词或词组位于句首,句子用部分倒装。

强调否定副词和否定介词短语后面的描述的事情No sooner had I got home than it beg.an to rain.我刚到家就下起了雨Seldomdo I go to work by bus.我很少乘公共汽车上班。

3. so / such...that结构中的so或such位于句首可以构成部分倒装句,表示强调so /such和that之间的部分So unreasonablewas(连系动词)his price that everybody startled.他的要价太离谱,令每个人都瞠目结舌。

To such lengthdid she go in rehearsal that the two actors walked out.她的彩排进行得那么长,以致于那两个演员都走出去了以上各例子都用倒装语序突出了句首成分,其语气较自然语序强烈,因而具有修辞效果。

(二)承上启下有时倒装可把前一句说到的人或物,或与前一句有联系的人或物在下一句紧接着先说出来,从而使前后两句在意思上的关系更加清楚,衔接更加紧密,起到承上启下的作用They broke into her uncles bedroom and found the man lying on the floor, dead. Around his head was(连系动词) a brown snake.。

他们破门进入她叔叔的卧室,发现他躺在地板上死了一条棕褐色的蛇缠在他头上We really should not resent being called paupers. Paupers we are, and pauperswe shall remain.我们确实不应因为被称作穷光蛋而愤愤不平。

我们的确是穷光蛋,而且还会继续是穷光蛋(三)制造悬念,渲染气氛在新闻或文学创作中,有时为了内容的需要,或是为了强调,作者常常运用倒装来制造悬念,渲染气氛如:Hanging on the wall was a splendid painting.墙上挂着一幅精美的图画。

再如朗费罗(Longfellow)《雪花》中的一节:Out of the bosom of the Air,Out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken,Over the woodlands brown and bare,

Over the harvest-fields forsaken,Silent, and soft, and slow,Descends the snow.在这一节诗里,诗人就富有创意地运用了倒装在前五行中,诗人堆砌了七个状语,状语连续出现而主语和谓语却迟迟未露,造成一种悬念效应。


1.以作状语的介词短语开头:当主语较长或主语所带修饰语较长时,为了使句子平衡,常将状语置于句首,句子用完全倒装语序A: To the coal mine came a com-pany of PLA soldiers with orders from the headquarters to rescue the trapped miners.。

B: A company of PLA soldiers came to the coal mine with orders from the headquarters to rescue the trapped miners.

一个连队的解放军战士来到了那座煤矿,奉司令部之命解救受困的矿工A: On the ground lay some air conditioners, which are to be shipped to some other cities.。

B:Some air conditioners lay on the ground, which are to be shipped to some other cities.地上放着一些空调,等着用船运到其他城市去。


Such would be our home in the future.我们将来的家就是这个样子3.以副词here , there开头的句子,也采用完全倒装来保持句子平衡Here is the letter you have been looking forward to.你盼望已久的信在这儿。

五、使描写生动有时为了使叙述或描绘更加生动形象,增加语言效果,可将表示方向的副词(如:down, up, out, in, off, on, away等)或拟声词(bang, crack等)置于句首,句子采用全部倒装的语序(主语为人称代词的句子除外)。

Up went the rocket into the air.嗖地一声火箭就飞上天了Downjumped the criminal from the third floor when the policeman pointed his pistol at him.当警察把手枪瞄准那个罪犯时,嘭地一下他就从三楼跳了下去。

Boom went the cannon!轰隆一声大炮开火了!Bang came another shot!砰!又是一声枪响!以上句子简洁明快,生动逼真地描述了有关动作,令我们一览此类倒装的风采但这种倒装句的修辞功能在语段中可以体现得更为清楚。

1)"Stop thief! Stop thief!" There is a magic cry in the sound. The tradesman leaves his counter,... Away they run, pell—mell, helter—skelter, yelling—screaming,...

2)"Stop thief ! Stop thief !" The cry is taking by a hundred voices,... Away they fly, splashing through the mud, up go the window, out run the people.( Dickens )

作者在段和第二段中分别用副词away, up和out位于句首引出四个倒装句Away they run , Away they fly, up go the window , out run the people。

从而制造出一种紧张、急促的气氛,生动地刻画了一个紧张、混乱的捉贼场面示例分析:1.Now Tom with his classmates are playing football on the playground.

is本题考查的是多个主语的处理方式以及主语的数对谓语拼写形式的影响根据多个主语的处理方式三(主语+附加成分)可知,with his classmates就不是主语,只有Tom才是正真的主语在根据主语对谓语影响规则的判断,Tom只是一个单数,相应的are应该改为is。

(be /助动词/情态动词)2.Not until he left his home hebegin to know how important the倒装部分(含否定的连词)(主语)family was for him.

根据部分倒装的变化规则:把句子的be /助动词/情态动词提到主语的前面而构成,类似于把肯定句变成一般疑问句。在结合语义和时态还以,此处的正确答案为:did。




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