
wufei123 发布于 2023-12-14 阅读(481)



关键字:java 漫画 软件架构AbstractFirst of all, the thesis clearly discusses the systematic research content at the very beginning. Secondly, the analysis of system requirements analysis, understand "what to do", including business analysis and business process analysis and use case analysis, further clear system requirements. Then, on the basis of understanding the requirements of the system, we need to further design the system, mainly including software architecture pattern, overall functional modules and database design. The software architecture of the project chooses B/S mode and Java technology, and the overall functional modules adopt the top-down hierarchical idea. Then is the realization of the system and code writing to achieve the function. The last chapter of the paper summarizes the experience and summary of the completion of this paper and the development of this project. Through the cartoon website will make the cartoon information management of all aspects of work efficiency to bring substantial improvement.

Key words: Java comic software architecture目录1绪论 51.1项目研究的背景 51.2开发意义 51.3项目研究内容 52开发技术介绍 62.1 B/S架构 6

2.2Java技术 62.3MySQL 介绍 72.4MySQL环境配置 72.5SpringBoot技术 83系统分析 93.1可行性分析 93.1.1技术可行性 93.1.2经济可行性 93.1.3操作可行性 9

3.2网站性能需求分析 103.3 网站现状分析 103.4网站功能分析 113.5系统流程的分析 113.5.1 用户管理的流程 123.5.2个人中心管理流程 123.5.3登录流程 134系统设计 14

4.1 软件功能模块设计 144.2数据库设计 144.2.1概念模型设计 144.2.2物理模型设计 155系统详细设计 225.1系统功能模块 225.2管理员功能模块 235.3用户功能模块 28

6系统测试 307总结与心得体会 317.1 总结 317.2 心得体会 31参考文献 32致谢 33管理员使用本系统涉到的功能主要有:首页、个人中心、用户管理、漫画分类管理、漫画投稿管理、分类管理、排行榜管理、交流论坛、系统管理等功能。





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