
feifei123 发布于 2025-02-26 阅读(4)

0112月9日下午,第二届“我是单词王”争霸赛在济南托马斯高中部隆重举行On the afternoon of December 9th, the second season of “Im The Word King" competition was held ceremoniously by JT High.。


本次比赛,以提升学生单词背诵技巧、激发学生英语学习兴趣为目的,脱离了以往简单单词拼写的模式,改为词汇综合运用实践能力测试The competition aimed to improve the recitation skills of international students and stimulate their interest in English learning. Therefore,the form was changed from the simple word spelling mode to the comprehensive vocabulary ability test.。

在丰富学生课余活动的同时,也达到了从容应对标化考试的要求Enriching our students extracurricular activities, it also met the requirements of the standardized tests.。

# 初赛中16名同学脱颖而出,进入决赛阶段。After the preliminary, 16 students stood out and entered the final stage.

本届比赛,参赛人员均来自济南托马斯高一AP班、 A-Level班与储英班,高中部教务办主任兼托福、SAT教师彭国顺担任活动导演,教师袁晓琳、杨艺、乔虹担任出题组老师The participants of this years competition were from Senior 1 AP class, A-Level class and Fabulinus class of senior high school, with Jerry Peng as the activity director. What is more, Melody Yuan, Elena Yang and Kira Qiao were the teachers of the question setting group.。

比赛分为三部分,分别是“单词连连翻”、“最强大脑”和“挑战升级”The competition consists of three parts: Word After Word, Super Brain and Sprint for Championship.。

单词连连翻,是将所有同学两两一组(经抽签决定)依次答题,每组5题In “Word After Word”, the words were divided into 8 groups, and each group had 5 questions. 。

屏幕上给出单词的所有中文释义及词性,选手需要在5秒内答出单词正确读音及拼写并且,超时、发音错误、拼写错误都不得分On the screen, there were all the Chinese interpretations and parts of speech of the words. The contestants needed to speak out the correct pronunciation and spelling in 5 seconds.。

在这轮比赛中,所有同学表现出优异的水平,全部晋级到下一轮比赛中All the students showed excellent performance in this round and were promoted to the next round.。

相对“单词连连翻”,“最强大脑”难度又有所提升“The Super Brain" was more difficult compared with " Word After Word ". 规则是屏幕上给出15个单词,选手需在3分钟内,尽可能记忆更多单词,3分钟后默写。

The rule was that there were 15 words on the screen, and the contestants had to remember as many words as possible in 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, the contestants should write them in silence.

要求拼写与词义同时正确,才能得分Only when both the spelling and the meanings of words were correct at the same time could the contestants get a score.。

最紧张刺激的,当属“挑战升级”环节The most exciting part is “Sprint for Championship”. 此环节,每名选手(答题顺序抽签随机决定)依次作答In this part, each contestant takes turns to answer questions. 。

屏幕上给出3个英文单词,选手有两分钟准备,用3个单词编一个简短的小故事,限时两分钟口头展示Three English words were shown on the screen. The contestant had two minutes to prepare, made a short story by using the three words given and presented orally the story within two minutes.  。

比赛中,台下的同学也以极大的学习热情来参与比赛,在公平竞争的同时,也达到了寓学于乐、乐在其中的目的During the competition, the audience participated the game passionately. Under the spirit of fair play, they also embedded learning in game. 。

经过评委与计分人员的仔细核对和评判,所有名次尘埃落定After careful verification by members of the judge team and scoring staff, all the rankings were settled.。

一名“单词王者”和三名“单词骑士”脱颖而出此外,所有参与本次决赛的同学均被授予“单词勇士”称号A Vocabulary King and three Vocabulary Knights rushed into everyones view. In addition, all the students who entered the final were awarded the title of Vocabulary Warrior.。

比赛过程中,高中部师生也献上了极为精彩的文艺展示活动,体现了高中部全面发展的办学理念与高中部学生的高超文艺素养In the process of the competition, teachers and students of senior high school also presented an extremely wonderful performance, which reflected the all-rounded education philosophy of JT High and the excellent artistic quality of high school students. 。

很多学生说“这次比赛的精彩程度远远超过预期,下次比赛一定会努力参与进来!” Many students said, "the excitement of this competition is far beyond expectation. I will try my best to take part in the next competition".





标签:  托马斯 单词 济南 比赛 拼写 

