grouping words什么意思(英语语言学中,词组(word group)和短语(phrase)有什么区别?)

feifei123 发布于 2025-02-26 阅读(4)

首先应该有流派的概念,在大部分情况下,word group 和 phrase 其实是等同的,如:(1) The constructions into which nouns most commonly enter, and of which they are the head word, are generally called

noun phrases (NP) or nominal groups.[1](2) This paper addresses two issues, one descriptive and one methodological. It offers a

grouping words什么意思(英语语言学中,词组(word group)和短语(phrase)有什么区别?)

description of part of the English nominal group (aka noun phrase) that greatly extends the traditional concept of ‘determiner’.

[2]因此,word group 和 phrase 的概念区分只有在 Systemic Functional Grammar(SFG) 的框架下讨论才是有意义的这个概念其实没有多少提及的必要,只是胡壮麟本显然受到 SFG (尤其是Hallidy) 相当大的影响。

如果看Halliday的原文,可以发现他给 group 和 phrase 作了如下定义:group 和 phrase 属于同样的rank ( Starting from opposite ends, the two achieve roughly the same status on the rank scale, as units that lie somewhere between the rank of a clause and that of a word.

[3] )有三类基础的 group: the nominal group, the verbal group, and the adverbial group.额外有两类 group: the preposition group and the conjunction group.

只有一类 phrase ,即 prepositional phrases,不存在 noun phrases (nominal phrases), verb phrases (verbal phrases) 等等术语。

对于 group 而言," ... a group is in some respects equivalent to a word complex that is, a combination of words built up on the basis of a particular logical relation" ," ... that is to say,

a Head word together with other words that modify it".[4]这段话的意思便是,词组是(中心)词的扩展Examples:Look at those two splendid old electric trains。

with pantographs! (nominal group)Someone has been eating my porridge. (verbal group)You’ve coped beautifully

tonight; you’ve coped so well compared to how I would have coped. (adverbial group)对于 phrase 而言,只存在 prepositional phrase,而且prepositional phrase 只有一种基本形态,就是 preposition + noun group. (

A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition plus a nominal group.[5])Examples:Stop for lunch and a swim at Kuta

.Because literature is in some cases the product of the imagination, isn’t it?But I can run faster [than a crocodile

].Across the Atlantic, Benjamin Franklin engaged in well-known experiments [with that curious phenomenon, electricity

].Further Readings:Grammar: Groups & phrases: Prepositional phrasesNominal group (functional grammar)

THE UNIT "GROUP"注:看贴上来的原文似乎是中文版,英语语言学的课本尽量看英文版的参考1与参考2取自Wikipedia,学会上外网找资料参考^David Crystal, 2008. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, 6th edition, p, 328. 。

^Butler, Downing, & Lavid, 2007. Functional perspectives on grammar and discourse: in honour of Angela Downing, p. 165

^Halliday, M.A.K. and Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. 2004. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. Arnold; p. 311.

^于 Morley, G. D. (2004). On group and phrase in functional grammar. 一文中看到,实际出自 Halliday 1994, p. 179-180.

^Halliday, M.A.K. and Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. 2004. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. Arnold; p. 361.


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