work by word什么意思(关于字典的故事-Word by Word)

wufei123 发布于 2023-11-16 阅读(543)



(上图来自网络 )🌞本帖重点:1)对语言的敏感度会让词汇记忆变得独特且持久2)方言对语言发展的重要意义3)发扬工匠精神   最近读了一本很有意思的书,Word By Word The Secret Life of Dictionaries

, 2017年首次出版,作者Kory Stamper, 书中分享了作为词典编纂者,在选词过程中的艺术  🌹“I grew up the eldest, book-loving child of a blue-collar

family that was not particularly literary.”   “It wasn’t story (good or bad) that pulled me in; it was English itself, the way it felt in my braces-caged mouth and rattled around my adolescent head. As I grew older, words became choice weapons: What else does a dopey, short, socially awkward teenage girl have? “

   作者出生于普通家庭,由于热爱英文(术业专攻)而实现了自我救赎这一点在先前的很多帖子里都有提及,比如你当像鸟飞往你的山;“云淡风轻”-本周推荐Sigh, Gone; 凡事先有痴,而后有成  📖“English is a beautiful, bewildering language, and the deeper you dive into it, the more effort it takes to come up to the surface for air.”。

   “We are just observers, and the goal is to describe, as accurately as possible, as much of the language as we can. This approach is “descriptivism.”

   作者描写了她作为词典编纂者的任务👉用语言来尽可能的描述词语的意思  “I am a passionate defender of the linguistic worth of dialects out of self-defense:。

   I realized how important dialects are to a language. They give us lots of vocabulary, and their proliferation is a sign of linguistic growth. It wouldn’t be overstating it to say that without dialects there is no language.

The more I learned about dialects, the more I respected them. Dialects that might seem “uneducated” or “low” are actually full of a complex grammar that you, a nonnative speaker of that dialect, can’t understand.”


(此图摄于泉州博物馆 2023年1月)   “A job where you read all day can be a pleasure, to be sure, but it can also ruin you

. Words cease to be casual, tossed off, and able to be left alone. You are that toddler on a walk, the one who wants to pick up every bit of detritus and gunk and dead insect and dog crap on the sidewalk, asking, “What’s that, what’s that, what’s that?” while a parent with better things to do tries to haul your over-inquisitive butt away.”

   热爱的事物如果成为了自己的工作,也不见得完全是幸运的事单纯的喜欢就好,否则也会有ruin的感觉正如画家喜欢画画,却为了提交更多的作品成了批量生产,丧失了自由作画的快乐   因此,看英文读物需要具备这样的状态,根据上述句子改写一下:“Words can be casual, tossed off, and able to be left alone.”遇到一些词,全当是偶遇,没有留下什么印象也无所谓,抓重点就可以了。

特别是数字时代下stay focused尤为困难‍‍‍   想到假期里孩子有一些推荐读物要去阅读,她便努力字字理解记忆,导致阅读速度极慢,且十分痛苦而对比新入手的纸质绘本书籍,主题是她喜欢的,她却可以一口气读完,读的时候还不让旁人插话。

所以阅读的三原则是有趣,大量,读得懂 “I know what the standard pronunciation is, but circumstance ties my tongue.”  作者提及了环境对口音的巨大影响。

想想在福(hu)建有多少标准音被hu化了~ ❤️“Our modern conception of art happens in a flash; we speak of the lightning striking, the lightbulb going on, the inspiration hitting. 

Craft takes time, both internal and external.You need patience to hone your skill; you need a society willing to wait (and pay) for that skill.

  People expect information on the Internet to be comprehensive, free, and up to date, which puts reference publishers in a pretty pickle.

No information is ever fully free: dictionaries are written by slobs like me, and even slobs need a paycheck. And, as mentioned, it takes time to write a good definition.”

   如何在快速发展的世界里慢下来,hone your skill, 修炼技能,而不是期待可以快速膨胀迅速掌握;流量世界似乎万物都是免费的,真的如此吗?   一本讲述词典编纂的故事,却又包含着学习方法和人生哲理。







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