word by word 是什么意思(Word by Word: A Daily Etymology Adventure - Day 3 - Pandemonium)

wufei123 发布于 2023-11-16 阅读(565)


, 非常吓人,阿弥陀佛!"Pandemonium" is an English word that means a state of wild and noisy disorder or confusion. The word was first used in the 17th century and is derived from John Miltons epic poem "Paradise Lost" (1667). In the poem, "Pandæmonium" (note the spelling difference) is the name of the capital city of Hell, built by the fallen angels after they were cast out of Heaven.

The word "Pandæmonium" is composed of two Greek words: "pan" meaning "all" and "daimon" meaning "demon." Therefore, "Pandæmonium" means "all demons" or "a gathering of all demons."

Other words with the same root or suffix as "demon" include:Demonstrate: to show or prove something clearly

Demonic: relating to or characteristic of demons or evil spiritsDementia: a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury

Epidemic: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular timeOther words with the same root or prefix as "pan":

Panorama: a wide and unbroken view of an entire surrounding areaPantheon: a temple dedicated to all the gods; a group of people who are famous or respected within a particular field or profession

Panchromatic: sensitive to all colors of the visible spectrumPanacea: a solution or remedy for all problems or difficulties

Pan-American: relating to all the countries of North, Central, and South AmericaThe prefix "pan-" is derived from the Greek word "pan," which means "all" or "every." This prefix is often used to indicate something that is all-encompassing or universal in scope.









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