word by word是什么意思?(学习《现代英语用法词典》(6.1))

wufei123 发布于 2023-11-17 阅读(534)

学习张道真先生的《现代英语用法词典》是我多年来的习惯,最近开始,手打输入电脑,我觉得这也是一种学习方式,目前坚持已有相当长的时间了a /ə; 重读eɪ/, an /æn; ən/ (用于元音前) art. (不定冠词)。

1. 一个(=one):Rome was not built in one day.There was now not a minute to lose.His wages were forty pounds a year.

word by word是什么意思?(学习《现代英语用法词典》(6.1))

△有时带有“同一”的意思:Birds of a feather flock together.2. 某一个(=a certain):I took my things to an hotel in New Street. (此处经查证:古式英语中hotel中h不发音)

Then an idea came to him, which he calmly considered.I went into a stationer’s to buy a picture. (stationer’s:文具店)

3. (表类属)某类人或物中的一个:1)用在表语之类成分中,说明属哪类人或物:You are a just man.He doesn’t strike me as being a particularly able person.

We knew Moses as an authority on Wagner.2) 用在主语中,代表一类人或物:A knife is a tool for cutting with.Does a dog have a keen sense of hearing?

Can a novelist shut his eyes to the state of his country?3) 用在其他成分中:She endeavored to show him the simple affection of a daughter.

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.4. (用在某些物质名词前)一种,一份:It was a wonderful tea.The bakery makes a very fine rye bread.

(rye bread: 黑麦面包)A high-grade paper is made form rushes.Oh, you may as well bring me a chocolate too.

5. (用在表示风雨等的名词前)一阵:It was clear daylight now and a fine rain was falling. (fine rain: 小雨)A cold drizzle was falling.

There’s a cold wind this morning.6. (用在某些抽象名词前)一种,引起某种情绪的事物等:She showed a certain elegance.He felt again a great tenderness.

That is a great disappointment.It was no longer an embarrassment to face Christine.He was in an ecstasy.

(ecstasy: 狂喜)It is a pleasure to work with you.You have a very good knowledge of English.7. (用在某些专有名词前)某人叫……的人,一张……的画,一个象……的人等:

I saw a Mrs. Danvers on the twelfth at two o’clock.He had a van Gogh in the dining room.He didn’t know I was an ardent Romeo.

They bought a secondhand Morris for sixty pounds.He ordered a second Martini.What a strange London they saw!

Ten minutes later he was there, confronting a queer George in greasy overalls.When a Forsyte was engaged, married or born, the Forsyte were present.

8. 用在某些词组或成语中,例如:a little / a few / a bit / a lot / a great many / many a / as a rule / in a hurry / all of a sudden / taken an interest in / take a pride in / take a dislike to / to make a fool of oneself / to be in a position to / to have a headache / to be a pity / to have a cold / to have a fancy for / at a discount

△ 可和形容词最高级连用,表示“非常”:This is a most beautiful country about here.△ 也可和一个序数词连用,表示“再一(个,次)”:Then he copied the article a second time.

a- /ə/ prefix1. 构成副词:aside / apart / ashore / aback / asunder / aloud2. 构成形容词:ablaze / asleep / alive / alight / astir / aglow / awake / afire / akin

3. 构成动词:arise / arouse / awaken / abridge / amend△ 间或与一个分词连用:He went a begging.They set the bells a ringing.

abandon /əˈbændən/ vt. & n.Ⅰ 作动词:1. 放弃(=give up):He had to abandon his journey before it was well begun.

She was obliged to abandon that idea.He abandoned his search.He abandoned all hope.Perhaps we should also abandon our oil concession?

(oil concession: 石油开采权)The scientist abandoned his research for lack of fund.But the contest could not be abandoned.

Its southern organizing campaign was abandoned.2. 遗弃,弃掉(=desert):The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.

I don’t think that John would abandon his friends if they were in trouble.The sailor abandoned the burning ship.

A good mother will not abandon her baby.3. 用于*abandon oneself to 听任(感悟泛滥),陷入,沉溺于:He abandoned himself to grief.

He abandoned himself to despair.Only weak and cowardly natures abandon themselves to sorrow.She abandoned herself to a life of pleasure.

△ 过去分词可作定语或表语,表示“被遗弃的”或“甘心干坏事的(极坏的)”:The abandoned house was torn down.The pleasure-seeker led an abandoned life.

You abandoned wretch!Is he so abandoned as to feel no shame at such an accusation?Ⅱ 作名词:主要用于* with…abandon 尽情地,任意地

The girls cried with abandon.They were so excited that they jumped and shouted with abandon.The Gipsies danced with gay abandon.

abandonment /əˈbændənmənt/ n. 放弃Some critics of the audio-lingual method have advocated the complete abandonment of the structural drill.

abash /əˈbæʃ/ vt. (通常用过去分词作表语)不好意思,羞愧When the little child saw all the room filled with strangers, he was much abashed.

The poor man felt [stood] abashed at this display of wealth.He was abashed at forgetting his wife’s birthday.

△ 间或用作状语:The workman stood abashed as his mistakes were pointed out.abate /əˈbeɪt/ vi. & vt.1. (风、雨等)减弱,减退(vi.):

The ship waited till the storm abated before sailing out to sea.The wind has abated.2. 使减退,使减弱(vt.):Nothing could abate his rage.

The medicine abated his pain.His pride was not abated by his many mistakes.to abate the anger of the mob

3. 消除(vt.):We must abate the smoke nuisance in our big cities.abbreviation /əˌbriːviˈeɪʃn/ n. 缩写[词]“Mr.” is the abbreviation of “Mister”.

G. B., CBI, Yorks., and Dr. are abbreviations.The abbreviation for mister is Mr.ABC /ˌeɪ biː ˈsiː/1. 字母表(不可数):

Has the child learned his ABC yet?2. (某方面的)基本知识(和the连用,跟of引起的短语):He does not know even the ABC of philosophy.

begin with the ABC of a subjectabdicate /ˈæbdɪkeɪt/ vt. & vi.1. 退位(vt., vi.):The king abdicated (from) his throne, and the country became a republic.

Kind Edward Ⅷ abdicated to marry a commoner.2. 放弃(职责、权利等)(vt.):He abdicated all responsibility for the care of the child.

He abdicated his responsibilities and fled.abduct /æbˈdʌkt/ vt. 拐骗Kidnappers abducted the child.The police think the missing woman has been abducted.

abet /əˈbet/ vt. 教唆(犯罪)He abetted the thief in robbing the bank.The criminal was aided and abetted by his brother.

abhor /əbˈhɔː(r)/ vt. 憎恶,厌恶,讨厌Most people abhor cruelty to children.Spitting in the street is a practice I abhor.

She abhors snakes.The pacifist abhorred all violence.abhorrence /əbˈhɒrəns/ n. 憎恶,厌恶,讨厌Many people show abhorrence of snakes.

He has a great abhorrence of medicine.abhorrent /əbˈhɒrənt/ adj.1. 令人憎恶的:Cruelty is abhorrent to him.

Slavery is abhorrent to a humane man.abhorrent criminal acts△ 有时表示“憎恶”:abhorrent of violence2. 截然相反:Cruelty is abhorrent to love.

a suggestion abhorrent to their principlesabide /əˈbaɪd/ vi. & vt. (过去式及过去分词:abided或abode)1. (和by连用)遵守,服从(vi.):

We agreed to abide by your judgment.He abided by his word.We must abide by the rules of the game.She will abide by her promise.

He must abide by the contract.The two men agreed to abide by the referee’s decision.△ law-abiding表示“守法”:

to lead a new and law-abiding life.2. (和by连用)承受(vt.):You must abide by the results of your mistakes.You will have to abide by the consequences.

3. (和can连用,用于否定或疑问句)忍受,受得了(vt.):I can’t abide loud noise.I can’t abide rude people.I can’t abide that chap.

How can you abide him?I cannot abide the place.I can’t abide to see [abide seeing] such cruelty.4. (比较陈旧文气的用法)居住,待(vi.):

He abode in Boston almost all of his life.Abide with me a while longer.5. (陈旧用法)等候(vt.):He will abide my coming.

I will abide the coming of my lord.ability /əˈbɪləti/ n.1. 能力,能够(多作不可数名词):He was a man of great ability.

Smith had some ability and he liked work.They invited her in and questioned her as to her ability.His organizing ability is very great.

Many courses have as a primary objective the development of aural comprehension and speaking ability.

The child’s reading ability was satisfactory for his age level.Washington had great ability as a general.

It’s a great ability to be able to hide one’s ability.△ 后面有时跟一个不定式作定语:Hardy had the ability to see this and Lawrence had not.

He had lost all faith in his ability to succeed.They believed in man’s ability to master the world.Has he the ability to do the work?

2. (用于复数形式)能力,才能:From each according to his abilities, to each according to his work. (各尽所能,按劳分配)He also took part in it according to his abilities.

I think most of us could give a pretty accurate appraisal of our own abilities in other languages that we know.

She experimented with her abilities on me.Listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities.3. 用于*to the best of one’s ability 尽力地:

I tried to do my work to the best of my ability.I will carry out your instructions to the best of my ability.

able /ˈeɪbl/ adj.1. (和be连用,跟不定式)能够:The doctors are not able to agree about it.The patient was soon able to sit up and read.

I shan’t be able to come on January 1.I haven’t been able to get in touch with her.She had been able to send home regularly fifteen dollars a week to maintain the family.

△ be able to和can意思相近,但be able to可有更多的时态形式(见上例),另外还可以和情态动词或某些系动词连用(a),也可用于不定式或动名词短语中(b):a. I ought to be able to live on my salary.

You might be able to persuade him.He seemed able to put complicated thought in simple words.b. I would like to be able to read, but I am too old to learn.

He said he so much regretted not being able to swim.△ 还可用作定语:a patient able to describe his symptoms accurately to the doctor

2. (作定语或表语)能干,有才能,有水平的:Lester was an able man.Nicola’s the ablest man I’ve met in Bulgaria.The general impression at the studio was that he was able.

He made a very able speech.Mine is to begin with hack-work and develop into an able author.an able performance

△ 可用于able-bodied 身体强健的:Any able-bodied citizen can join it.ably /ˈeɪbli/ adv. 能干地,出色地He could play the horn very ably.

Still an active woman, she was managing the household ably.-able /əb(ə)l/ suffix 构成形容词1. 可以……的,值得……的(带有被动意思):

adorable / advisable (in-) / applicable (in-) / approachable (in-) / believable (in-) / calculable (in-) / conceivable (in-) / curable (in-) / debatable (in-) / dispensable (in-) / eatable / escapable (in-) / estimable (in-) / evitable (in-) / excusable (in-) / explicable (in-) / laughable / lovable / measurable (im-) / movable (im-) / navigable (in-) / notable / noticeable / numerable (in-) / passable (in-) / payable (im-) / penetrable (im-) / practicable (im-) / recognizable (ir-) / reconcilable (ir-) / refutable (ir-) / tolerable (in-) / respectable / surmountable (in-) / tolerable (in-) / unforgettable / variable (in-) / vulnerable (in-) / washable

2. 具有其他意义:comfortable / knowledgeable / sizable / suitable / preferable / agreeable / remarkable△ 其中有些可变为副词(e→y):comfortably / preferably / remarkably



