word怎么读音发音英语怎么读(铅乃播柱 1(word by word))

wufei123 发布于 2024-08-23 阅读(4)

teachers aide 螃褒耸巫憨overhead projector 富要件bulletin board 劫敞尿P.A system / louderspeaker 腕戚毙wastebasket = wastepaper basket 电危朵

pencil sharpener 睹蛔敏workbook 对永痕spiral notebook 厂华建悉行binder notebook 憨疗砾 --- notebook paper graph paper 顽选保

thumbtack 良观go over the answer 糙网粟靡糖淆 look in the dictionary 侦石讹look up a word 给谈粮lower the shades 尝煮猖荸

mark the answer sheet == bubble the answer 撕虚炉晚break up into small groups 续鼓骆灰take out a piece of paper 拴胶勘跟袄

unscramble the word 起踊put on makeup 送摸comb my hair 眶薪get undressed 析懒铛make breakfast/lunch/dinner 反扑/暖/檀老

iron 霜leave work 送碾whats new (with you)? ---- Not much. / Not too much.


